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Part 9?????

I was broken, I was laying in my bed staring at my ceiling not moving. he was kissing her, my best friends.. he said he would be here but he lied.. I heard a knock on my dorm an someone came in, I didn't move just kept staring at the ceiling
I knew who it was.. Rick fucking Riley, I didn't move nor did I acknowledge him. I felt him sit next to me, he put his hand on my cheek an forced me to look at him
R-sluts like you need to know there place
I didn't say a word just looked at him.. I was done
R-you don't make it any fun when you don't speak.. talk bitch!
He slapped my hard a crossed the face but even than I didn't say a word. He kept hitting me over an over again until he put his hand around my throat an started choking me, I felt tears roll down my face as I held onto his wrist, the world was turning dark an I knew i was gonna black out
R-this what would have been more fun if you would have fucking listen!
I closed my eyes waiting for darkness to take over but it never did? I felt Rick's hand remove from my neck so I slowly opened my eyes still trying to catch my breath when I saw Adam standing at my dorm door, Riley immediately got off me an slammed Adam against the wall.
R-you keep your mouth shut banks!
I got up out of bed still trying to breath I tried pulling Riley off banks but he pushed me off  an punched Banks.. he ran out an banks walked over to me
A-you alright?
I just nodded an he helped me up, he ran to my draw an grabbed a first aid kid.. he started cleaning up my face when my door opened again, Portman came in
he grabbed Adam an slammed him up against the door that was now closed, I got up an grabbed Dean's shirt trying to pull him off
Da-let him go! He didn't do anything!
Dean let him go an Adam dropped to the floor, dean turned to me an saw my face.. his face looked like a mixture of regret and sympathy
De-than who did..
I just shook my head at him, he didn't deserve to know. It wasn't his business
De-I won't fucking ask again who did this Dani!
I didn't say a word, Adam carefully got off the floor an sat on my bed trying to breathe after everything
A-it was Rick.
I looked at Adam annoyed that he had opened his big ass mouth an told Dean. I looked back at Dean whose face was now filled with anger, he stormed out of my dorm and I didn't bother to follow him know exactly what he was gonna do, I grabbed the first aid an cleaned the cut on adam's lip making him chuckle
A- I should be doing this to you, your face is worse
I chuckle as he started cleaning the blood off my face. I sighed an grabbed the blunt that was on my night stand and lit it.. I took a hit before blowing out the smoke
Da-want some?
Adam looked nervous but agreed, he took a small hit an coughed it up making me chuckle.. i just wanted the pain to stop..
Da-hey Adam?
A-yeah Dani?
Da-I wish I was dead like my dad

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