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Part 12

Dwayne's date went great, he won't stop talking about her! I'm so happy for him. She is coming home with us next break to meet mom an Dwayne is a bit nervous, see our mom is very protective over us and if she don't like you than BYE. Our dad was easier going, he liked almost everyone that we brought home well that Dwayne brought home I never dated lmao. Anyways, I'm sitting in Fulton an Dean's room listening to them go back and forth on which song to chose, I just chuckle and put my hat on top on my head, soon the bickering stops an my hat gets taken off my face by Dean
De-come dance Texas
I smiled before getting up an putting my hat back on, a song played an we all danced around. Fulton an Dean place guitar with their hockey sticks while I'm booping to the music, this went on for what felt like hours before we all grew tired and stopped. There was a loud knock at the door an Fulton answered it, Dwayne came barging in and started pacing around the room
Da-yo Dwayne, what's wrong?
He looked at me an he was sweating like a mad man, I stood up an looked at him
D-I did something an ma is gonna kill me!
I was confused on why she would kill him but waited for him to tell me what she would kill for
D- promise you don't get mad?
I rolled my eyes an chuckled
Da-I promise! Now tell me!
Fulton an Dean were sitting on their beds listening in, Dwayne took a deep breath before looking at me
D-I slept with Summer!
I froze, Dean an Fulton broke out into a fit of laughter which caused me to laugh as well. Dwayne wasnt to happy that we were laughing at him so I stopped an look at him
Da-was it good?
his face grew red from embarrassment which made me laugh again before hugging him
Da-at least you got laid!
D-oh shut it
He smiled an left the room. Fulton an Dean just calmed down from their laughing fit so I took a seat on Dean's bed an he laid his head on my legs so I ran my fingers through his hair
F-damn now I'm jealous!
I chuckled an patted next to me, Fulton laid down on the other side on me an put his head on my other leg so I ran my other fingers through his hair.. we stayed like this until Fulton sat up
F-imma get in my own bed to sleep, night
We said night an Fulton crawled into his own bed to sleep, I went to get up but Dean stopped me
De-sleep in here with me?
I just crawled under the covered with his an he put his head on my chest with his arms around my waist
De-promise me you will be here when I wake up?
I looked down at him an kissed his forehead

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