is this really goodbye?

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Part 24?!!

I had gotten up the next morning waiting for the phone call..  only person who knows about me might getting kicked out of Eden is Dean. I refused to tell Ma an Dwayne because I didn't want them to be disappointed in me.. anyways right now I'm riding my horse with Dean on the back holding onto me with dear life since it's his first time riding a horse.

 anyways right now I'm riding my horse with Dean on the back holding onto me with dear life since it's his first time riding a horse

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(With her hat an cowgirl boots)

De-uh Dani are you sure it's safe?
I chuckled as I felt his hold on tighter
Da-it's okay! We are gonna fine! Plus I'm going slow!
De-slow?! This is slow?!
He just made me laugh even more, I slowed down my horse even more which made him loosen his grip a little more.. we started riding back to the stables when Dwayne ran up to us
D-ma needs you! Like now!
I looked at him confused before nodding an making my horse ride faster to the stables making Dean scream an hold on tighter. We got into her stable an got down before I ran to the house, I got inside leaving Dean outside with Dwayne. I took off my boots an walked through the house until I found my mom sitting at the dining table with the home phone next to her, I took a seat next to her making her look up at me.. I could see her eyes an tell she was crying
I knew it was serious due to her saying my name instead of Sweetie or sweetheart
Da-what is it ma?
She held my hand before taking a deep breath and looking at me
Di- your a school called.. they have decided to revoke your scholarship.. you are being kicked out off Eden hall. They are sending all your stuff back here when your brother is done with school
My heart stopped, this can't be fucking happening. I removed my hand from hers before standing up
Di- Dani..
Da-this is bullshit! Why am I being kicked out when everything that happened was Rick's fault!!!!
She just looked at me as tears fell down her face, I stormed away from her an put back on my boots before running outside, I ran passed Dwayne an Dean who were feeding the pigs an into the stables. I grabbed my horse an hopped on since she still had her straddle on, I started to ride off with her
I ignored him an rode faster, I didn't know where i was going but it was gonna be far away from here. I was angry at myself an at the school.. I guess I got too caught up in my head because next thing I know my horse was going nuts an threw me off her causing me to land hard onto the ground, she ran off an I knew she was running back home because that's what she always did.. I got up ignoring the growing pain in my leg an started running. I knew where I was going.. I ran into the woods an straight to the willow tree that was on a little hill just passed the woods, I slowed down once I got to the hill an walked up.. my dads tomb stone laid right there under the tree.. I dropped onto my knees an cried
Da-I'm sorry! I'm sorry I couldn't be like you! I knew how you always wanted me to be successful like you!
I heard footsteps behind me but I didn't care, I threw my hat on the ground an felt arms wrap around me an pull my back into chest.. a soothing voice spoke
De-it's okay.. I'm here.. I'm right here.. I'm not going no where
I took a deep breath, an now seeing that Dwayne was sitting by me looking at me. Dean was holding me tight
Da-I got my scholarship revoked.. they are kicking me out
I saw Dwayne's ear goes red an Dean's grip tightened
Da-dad would be so disappointed in me.. he always wanted us to get into Eden an play hockey! I failed him
I felt my eyes fill with tears again, Dwayne sat in front of my an wipe away my tears
D-he would understand.. honestly he would probably be whooping some butts if he found out they are kicking you out for something that wasn't your fault. He would be proud
Those words.. they played over an over in my head.. I guess I was so tired from running an crying that I had fallen asleep in Dean's arms because next thing I know I woke up in my room now wearing my pjs with my head rested on Dean's chest an his light snores filling the room..

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