innocent or gulity?

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Part 22??
(Dwayne's POV) *after the fight with Dani*
I picked myself off the ground an looked at the door that Dani ran out of.. I felt like shit for calling her a murder but I was just so angry. I turned to my mom who was still in shock, I walked over to her an hugged her. I felt her tears soak my shirt which just made me hug her even tighter, she handed me a towel so I could wipe the blood off my face an I did
Di- you should apologize to you sister.. what you said was really harsh
I let go of her an sat in the chair next to her
D-but mama! she did though, she practically killed my best friend!
I was fighting back the urge to cry, I missed my dad so much an finding out this information just made me feel like I lost him all over again
Di- she thought she was doing this right thing by doing what her Father wished.. you can't hate her for that, she's your twin.
I put my head in my hands and rubbed my face trying to stop the tears that were falling down my face
Di-now do you know why she isn't talking to you dear?
I sighed an let go of my face an looked at her. I was trying to hide the guilt but I'm really bad at it
D-I did something bad ma, I just wanted to make her happier..
She held my hands in hers and drew circles in my hands with thumbs
Di-what did you do?
I took a deep breath before looking at her
D-I paid one of my team mates to uh kiss her? I knew they were close and just wanted her happy! I didn't mean any harm
She gave me a warm smile before wiping my tears away
Di- talk to her, I may not approve of what you did but there's no changing it.
I nodded an kissed her cheek before puttin my hat on, I looked at her for approval to leave the table which made her chuckle an nod. I walked out of the house an started searching for where she could be. It took me 10 mins before I checked the stables, I heard fate sniffles coming from Dad's horses stable.. I walked over to it an opened the door stepping in to see Dani hugging her knees to her chest crying, i crouched down in front of her causing her to look up at me
D-Dani I'm so sorry.. you are not a monster! I shouldn't have said that to you, I guess I was just upset that you did it but I know now you just wanted to do the right thing
She took a shaky breath before wiping her tears
Da-but what you said was true.. I killed our dad.. he was yo-
I cut her off by hugging her, it was a little difficult because our hats got in the way but we managed. I pulled away an sat next to her
D-I'm also sorry for paying Dean to kiss you, I didn't mean for it too go so far
She took her hat off an put her head on my shoulder so I rested my head on top of hers
Da-it's whatever, I'm just upset that he didn't tell me. Ya know?
I nodded an we just sat their in comfortable silence looking at dads horse that was drinking her water..
D-wanna do something?
I took my head off hers an she looked at me
Da-like what?
I stood up an held out my hand, she put her hat back on an took my hand
D-let's go ride our horses!
She giggled as we walked out and gathered all our stuff before getting on our horses an taking off for a well needed ride

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