now you know

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Part 19? Trigger warning

I found myself sitting in my dorm trying to comprehend what just went down.. Rick just told everyone that I practically killed my dad, my door opened an Rick came walking in with a smirk on his face
R-you did this to your self pretty lady
I rolled my eyes at him, I was so angry but also filled with regret
R-you could make this all go away, if you do one simple thing
He walked over to me an bent down so he was whispering in my ear
R-just relax..
He than jumped on me holding my arms down with his legs as I was kicking an trying to screaming but he had put a hand over my mouth to muffle my screams, he pulled out a pill bottle an forced my mouth open, he opened the bottle an poured the pills into my mouth, he closed my mouth again covering it with his hand an plugging my nose. I was suffocating
R-swallow them do it!
I tried to hold my breath as long as I could but gave up an swallowed them.. he let go of my mouth an got off of me setting the pill bottle on the desk, he picked me up over his shoulder an carried me to the bathroom while I tried slapping his back to get him to let me go but it was no use. We got to the bathroom an he carried me to the showers, he turned one on an shoved me under it, the water was freezing cold. The pills were making me feel numb, he stood up an looked at me
R-now you an your dad will be together forever
He walked out an I tried to stand up but my legs weren't working.. I shoved my fingers down my throat throwing up the pills that were forced down my throat.. I heard someone come in an I heard a voice
??- Danielle?!
I knew whose voice it was.. it was Adam.He ran next to me an started helping me throw up the pills, he was getting wet but he didn't care. I eventually got them out of my system an he turned off the water. I thought I was alright well that was until everything went dark.

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