wedding day🤍

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The finally chapter
Dani's POV
Today was the day. The day I am gonna be marrying my best friend, my soulmate. I had gotten up earlier with my Ma, Connie an Julie so we could start getting ready. I was so nervous. The day he proposed kept replying in my head
The day he proposed
I was walking in the stables to brush my horse when the lights turned off confused I went to flick on the switch when these twinkle lights lit up the room spelling "marry me Danielle" I dropped everything in my hand and started to cry. I looked an saw Dean walking in an smiling
De- what do you say Texas? you ready to spend the rest of your life with me.
I smiled widely at him as he got on one knee pulling out a ring box like last time expect pulling out a ring pop making me chuckle
De- thought this was a cuter way of doing it than a ring
I looked at him an continued to smile
Da-I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with you, Dean Aaron Portman.
He smiled an put the ring pop on my finger before pulling me in for a long ass kiss..
Present Day
That day was amazing. Now my hair is getting done an the wedding is in 4 hours. Everyone was rushing around, it was worsen than the day Goldberg let one rip on the plane.
I was looking at myself in my mirror when my Ma sat in the chair next to me
Di- you ready for this baby?
I smiled an looked at her through the mirror
Da- im so nervous.
She smiled before holding onto my hand
Di- don't be, this is what you want. you get to marry the boy of your dreams, even though your father didn't like him he still would want you happy
I nodded an Ma had to go finish her hair. After another hour my hair was done so now it was make up time

 After another hour my hair was done so now it was make up time

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In less than 3 hours I will be Danielle Portman.. oh gosh I'm actually getting married. Another hour passed an my make up was finally done

Now it was time to get my dress on with my boots, my heart was pounding out of my chest

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Now it was time to get my dress on with my boots, my heart was pounding out of my chest. I had gotten my dress on in less than 15 mins an got the veil on with my boots when Ma came in with a note
Di- your father had this written for the day you got married. read it
I nodded an she left the room so I could read it..
Dear Dani,
Wow look at that.. it's finally the day, my baby girl is finally getting married. I remember when you were just 2 years old learning how to talk an already roping pigs.. I'm so proud of you kiddo! Who ever you are marry is one lucky person. I love you Dani.

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