memories from past

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Part 14?
I remember waking up, my face felt wet and I remembered I was crying.. I slowly got up with my pounding headache an made my way over to my desk, i quickly took some meds before facing my picture wall..
(These are photos of her, Dwayne, her mom an father)

 (These are photos of her, Dwayne, her mom an father)

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We were so happy.. Dwayne an I had just turned 7, only  4 years before dad passed..

 Dwayne an I had just turned 7, only  4 years before dad passed

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Dwayne and dad..  we never understood that dad was sick, he hid it so well..

  we never understood that dad was sick, he hid it so well

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Dad an I.. he played hockey when he was 10 an stopped when Dwayne i and were 2, he was our number 1 fan..

 he played hockey when he was 10 an stopped when Dwayne i and were 2, he was our number 1 fan

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Dwayne an mom, she loved the outdoors especially during the spring. she loved the smell of the grass an it always made her smile..

 she loved the smell of the grass an it always made her smile

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The day dad proposed to mom.. she was so happy, I haven't seen her smile like that in years..

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard loud knocking at my door, I unlocked it before opening it to see Dean. He walked in an looked at me, I shut my door before turning to him. he looked furious
De-are you out of your mind?!
I just stared at him knowing what he was mad about.. I had a little more common sense than I did yesterday
De-drinking and smoking seriously?! I understand getting high here an there is fine but EVERY DAY! you are gonna get kicked off the team if Coach or the principal find out!
I rubbed my face with my hands before sitting at my desk, I put my hat on an looked at Dean who just looked even more mad that I wasn't responding
He punched the wall right by my desk making me flinch.. he had put a hole in it. i looked at him shocked not knowing what to do, he turned to me holding the hand that he had just punched through a wall
De- im over this shit Danielle, get your shit together. I get it your in pain, I get it you miss your dad, I und-
I didn't let him finish, I stood up with tears welling in my eyes, not sad ones but anger
Da-don't tell you understand! Don't fucking sit here and tell me you know what it's like to lose someone you love! MY DAD DIED DEAN! HE DIED AN I CANT BRING HIM BACK! MY OWN BROTHER IS GHOSTING ME AND THE GUY I LOVE DOESNT LOVE ME BACK
I covered my mouth after saying the last part, he stood shocked at what had just came out of my mouth..  I didn't know what to do next. I watched him sit on my bed and put his head in his hands before looking at me
De- i do know what it's like Dani... I lost my mom when I was 14. she was hit by a drunk driver, it was my fault..
Da- h-how was it your fault?
I took a seat next to him on my bed an looked at him while he stayed staring at the ground
De- we got into a huge fight that day, she had caught me smoking with my friends and I lost it, I told her I wanted her out of my life an I shoved her. I put my fucking hands on my mom Dani!
I scooted closer to him an taking off my hat before putting my head on his shoulder
De- i got the call from the hospital an I ran there, she was covered in tubes.. she had woken up an told me she loved me, she died before I could say I was sorry...
I heard him sniffle an wrapped my arms around him. we stayed like this for a few before he turned to me causing me to let go an look at him
De-you love me?

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