shes mine

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Part 21???
*this is all Dean's POV* (also taking place back when Summer did the voice recording)
she knows.. she fucking knows! I looked at her an her eyes had so much pain behind them.. she walked over to me and slapped me hard before running out.
F-you alright man?
I didn't respond, I deserved it. I walked over to Rick who was laughing with his friends and punched him hard in the face, I kept going over an over.. I felt his nose break under my knuckles but I didn't stop, the whole team started pulling me off him an it took all of them to pull me off and kept me off him
the principal walked over to me an I looked over to see Julie an Connie beating summers ass, I started to laugh until some of my team mates pulled them off her. The security guards walked me out of the lunch room an into the office, they made me sit in a chair an wait for the head minster, I knew i was in deep shit but it was so worth it.. I watched as a bloody Riley an bloody summer being taken to the other room which made me laugh when I saw their faces. The principal came in an started talking to me about how it was inappropriate an not allowed to fight people in their school, they called my coach in an I knew I was probably gonna be benched and yup I was corrected, I'm not allowed to play in any games for the next 2 games. They had the guards take me to mine, Fulton's an Ken's dorm, I was told I wasn't allowed to leave my dorm an they would bring me a lunch which made me chuckle. I found myself walking over to the phone an dialing Dani's room number.. it rang.. an rang but no answer? I just figured she was not in the mood to talk or not in her dorm so I just sat on my bed listening to music.. 15 mins passed an i heard what sounded like a ambulance outside? I looked out my window an saw a ambulance.. I heard people panicking which I just assumed it was for Riley but that was until I heard Cowboys voice
D-I can't talk right now okay! My sister is being put into a ambulance!
I felt the world stop, I ran to my door an tried to run out but the guards stopped me
Fulton ran down the hall an saw me, he pulled me back into our room an shut the door
De-dude you gotta get me outta here! She's in the ambulance, I need to make sure she's alright!
Fulton looked at me an his face was paler than usually.. an trust me his face is usually pretty white
F- she tried to kill herself portman
I couldn't believe I was hearing this
F-Adam found her in the showers, she had swollen a whole lot of pills and had passed out. They said they got there just in time but they won't know how bad the situation is until she wakes up
I felt sick to my stomach, I did this to her.. I hurt her.. I broke the only girl I truly did love..
De-they won't let me see her! Man! I gotta see her!
F-they aren't allowing anyone to see her, only her family. Her mom was called an is on her way to the hospital
Great her mom, her mom already don't like me an now she will hate me even more.. I sat on the bed an put my head in my hands. I was angry with myself and Rick..

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