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Part ???

I didn't leave my room for the rest of the day. Dwayne had tried to get me to open the door but I ignored him he even tried to go through my window but I locked it an closed my curtain. Dean had tried to talk to me but yet again I didn't listen.. Ma would be home soon an I knew she was gonna get mad about the Riley thing an the door, I was so done. I just wanted it all to stop, the drama, the depression all of it. I started breaking everything, I was so mad. I heard loud banging on my door but ignore it.
I threw a picture frame at my door causing it to shatter.. the door opened an I knew they had broken the lock.. dick heads.
D-what the hell did you do to your room..
They both walked in an looked around, I had broken glass on the ground.. everything that was once on my desk was on the floor, my hats were on the ground an I was standing breathing heavily
He stepped closer to me but I stepped back, he looked at my hand an gasped. Confused I looked down, I guess I was so mad I didn't know I had cut my hand on the glass. Dwayne had ran into the kitchen an ran back into my room with a towel an handed it to Dean who had applied it to my cut an put pressure on it
De-you done?
I nodded an Dwayne started putting everything back on my desk. None of us said a word to each other, Dean had grazed up my hand an used tape to hold it down. I helped clean up everything in my room while Dean put my hats on my bed an I swept up all the glass.. I didn't realize the photo I had thrown was of me an my father until Dwayne picked it up
Da-I'm a idiot..
I had no energy to cry. But on the inside I was dying
De- it's alright, we can get a new frame an it would be good as new!
I couldn't help but chuckle which caused them to laugh. we ended up cleaning up everything an sitting on my bed, ma came in an walked to my room. She took one look at my door an back at me
Di-imma give you two seconds to explain why in the roping hogs is there a crack on my door
I sighed an went to speak but Dwayne spoke up
D-I did it ma! I went to close her door an it accidentally slammed. I can get it fix if you like
Ma looked at me to see if it was true an I just nodded
Di-already, no need to get it fixed but Dwayne, you will be cleaning the chicken coop as a punishment
He sighed but nodded. She left my room an I heard her bed room door shut before I slapped Dwayne's arm
Da-why did you do that?
D-you already had a bad day, so I don't need you getting into anymore trouble
With that we just hung out.. Dean an Dwayne are going back to Eden tomorrow so I will be all alone again.. yay...

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