never hurt family

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Part 16??

I eventually had put Dwayne in his bed somewhere around 2'o clock at night before heading back to my dorm an passing out. It was now morning an I had already showered an got dressed, now just doing my hair.

 It was now morning an I had already showered an got dressed, now just doing my hair

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(Her fit)

I put my hat on before putting on my dirty converses and heading to class. The day went by slow, Dwayne was up my ass but I didn't mind. Than we got to practice an I changed into my gear before getting out on the ice right as Varsity got off, they didn't say anything to me which was good. I started doing laps an the rest of the team joined, half way through practice I saw someone sitting in the stands.. Summer. I was furious, I started diving my team mates over my shoulders during practice an checking them into the ice, I was pissed. I heard the whistle an Orion called me over while everyone continued
O-what was that?
I was catching my breath trying not to explode
Da-I'm practicing coach
I was expecting him to yell at me but instead he smiled
O- see if you play like that than we will be sure a win! ALRIGHT EVERYONE HIT THE SHOWERS
I smiled an skated off the ice, I took a quick shower (separate showers for girls an boys) before changing back into my clothes. I grabbed my bag an walked out just to see Dwayne talking to Summer. I dropped my bag an walked over making them look at me
D- d-Dani um we uh work things out
My face dropped from annoyed to pissed in seconds
Da-the hell you are! She was hitting you Dwayne! she doesn't deserve a second chance! When will you learn that bad people don't deserve chances?!
He looked down at his boots so I turned my attention to her
Da-get the actually fuck away from my brother, I will not hesitate to bash your god damn head off that wall.
She looked up at me nervous
S- Dwayne baby com-
She went to grab his arm but I immediately grabbed her wrist an slammed her up against the wall earning a yelp from her
I looked at her anger took over, I didn't care. I started punching her over an over again. She had tried to fight back but fell on the floor, I had gotten on top of her an started punching her even harder.. I felt hands grab me an pull me off her as I see Dwayne drop down next to her
??-quit kicking!
It was Fulton's voice, I didn't listen an kept trying to break out of his grip. I saw Dean coming out of the locker room an seeing this
Da-Fulton let go because I kick you in the dick!!!
He still didn't let go as Dwayne an now Charlie helped summer up
D-why did you do that?!
I stopped struggling in Fulton's arms an he let me go, i scuffed at Dwayne an looked at him
Da- you are a idiot Dwayne! she is hurting you and your idiot ass is taking her back!! dad would not be happy if he were here right now!
An with that I grabbed my bag off the floor an walked off. *hourssss later* I was icing my hand from that bitches face, my hand hurt like hell but it was so worth it. I heard a knock on the door an opened it just to see Charlie, Fulton, Dean, Dwayne and Averman.
They walked in an everyone but Charlie sat on my bed, rolling my eyes I shut my door an turned to them
Ch- I have some news.
I crossed my arms carefully not to hurt my hand an looked at him
Ch-you are being benched for the next game and will not be allowed to attend practice
I uncrossed my arms an looked at him pissed
Ch- Coach agrees since you punched that girl in the face.
I rolled my eyes chuckling slightly
Da-she deserved it!
I looked at him with a HUGE resting bitch face which made him shut up before turning my attention to Charlie
Ch- sorry but you aren't playing.
I don't know why I did it but I did, I charged at Charlie an started hitting him, he didn't hit back but I didn't care. I kept going until I was pulled off him by the guys expect Averman who just looked shocked
F-you really gotta stop hitting people!
I kneed him where the sun don't shine an went to hit Charlie again but this time being held back by Dean..
Da-get your fucking hands off me!!!
I kept squirming an trying to break free, while I was doin this Charlie had took off with Averman leaving me with Dwayne Fulton an Dean, Dean picked me up an dropped me on my bed holding me down by arms an Fulton holding down my legs
D- you need to calm down..
I rolled my eyes at him an kept trying to get out of their grip but eventually gave up an just stopped fighting it
F- you done?
I just nodded an they slowly let go allowing me to sit up, I looked down at my hand that was dark bruised.. Dwayne knelt down in front of me an looked at my hand
D-are you gonna let me explain or you gonna hit me?
I nodded yes which made him chuckle
D-yes to letting me explain or hitting me?
Da-the first one..
He gave me a soft smile before looking at Fulton an Dean. They got the hint an started to leave, Dean put someone on my desk before walking out with Fulton
D-I know me making this choice is probably gonna bite me in the arse but that's for me to decide. I'm grateful for you protecting me and I know you just want me happy but please just let me make this choice
I sighed before nodding letting him know I understood, he kissed the top of my head before leaving. I got up an grabbed the note that was left on my desk by Dean.. it read " I can wipe your tears away but I know I can't wipe away the pain in your heart"....

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