suck on ice

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Part 2 (next day)

I got to my locker and grabbed my books out before turning an coming face to face with Riley
Da-what do you want cake eater?
he just smirked at me before placing his hands in his pockets
R-just seeing how a little sexy girl is doing
I cringe at the thing he just called me. I have never be one to take a compliment, especially if it's from Rick Riley.
Da-that's sounds like something a pedo would say so if you don't mind I got class
I went to walk off but he grabbed my hat off my head an held it up in the air, I turned an tried to grabbed it but being only 5'4  it was pretty difficult
I turned to the sound of the familiar voice, of course it was Dean Portman an Fulton. They walked over an stood behind me as Riley still held my hat
R-ah well isn't it the bash brothers, what are you gonna do throw me?
I rolled my eyes an went to reach for my hat again but it was grabbed from Riley's hand? Fulton now held my hat as Dean pushed Riley, Riley got annoyed an shoved him back.. Fulton pushed my gently behind him before placing my hat back on my head an separating Dean an Riley. Riley stormed off an Dean turned back to me before placing his arm around me
De-let's get you to class cowgirl
He flicked my hat before me Fulton an him walked to my class which I had with my Fulton an Charlie. class went by pretty fast an I already got a lot of homework, finally it was lunch but instead of heading to the office I went outside an sat under the tree trying to do my work. You are probably wondering why I'm doing it now? well ma always said that I tend to procrastinate like my dad an she's not wrong. I started doing my English when i felt someone sit next to me, I looked over to see Dwayne, he was holding two lunches an one had a sticky note attached to it
D-figured you would be out here, here eat up before you pass out during practice.
I smiled at him before taking the lunch, I looked at the note attached an it said "remember if you eat all your food, you can have anyyyy candy you want!" I chuckled at the little note remembering that my dad used to write that on all our lunches to get us to eat. Dwayne an I sat in comfortable silence while we both ate before it started to rain, he helped my grab my books an we ran inside. *later that day* I was in my dorm just listening to music on my walk man.. the song that was playing was my dad and mom's wedding song, he used to play it for Dwayne and I all the time. I felt my eyes fill with tears  before they started streaming down my face. It has been 5 years an it still hurts, I guess my music was too loud because I didn't even hear my door open an someone come in, I felt a hand on my shoulder causing me to scream an throw off my head phones turning to the person, it was Dean.  I quickly wiped my tears an pulled my hat down a bit so it covered my eyes, I felt my hat be taken off my head an a hand lightly grab my chin pulling my face up wards. I was face to face with Dean an he had my hat on his lap
De- why are you crying Dani?
I knew he actually wanted to know because he never calls me Dani unless he is being serious. I sighed an started fiddling with my fingers which was a thing i did when I was upset
De-is ur about your dad?
Just hearing that made me tear up again, Dean was never the soft type but for some reason with me he was? he let go of my face an stood putting my hat on my desk, he took my hands lifting me up before wrapping his arms around me putting my head in his chest, I felt myself slowly calming down just by being in his embrace.. eventually I pulled away an he looked down at me with his signature smirk while placing my hat back on my head
De-never tell anyone about what just went down, got it cowgirl?
I tilted my hat a bit showing him I understood making him chuckle, he set a mix tape on my desk before walking out of my dorm, confused I picked it up an stuck it in my walk man, placing on my head phones I listened it to it.. it was his favorite song by Nirvana.. I felt myself smiling at the memory, Dean an I agure for hours that day over what song was better and I finally gave in telling him he won. Which made him smile an dance around, that was a year ago, I haven't rlly seen him smile anymore since what had happened with his dad just last summer..

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