back to hell

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Part idfk
(This is Dean's POV)
Today I go back to Eden. I don't wanna leave Dani but I gotta finish up the season, atm I have my suitcase in the truck an I'm helping Dwayne load his stuff in as well while Dani is sitting on the steps. My heart hurt to leave her here but I can't do anything about it.. eventually we got our stuff in the truck an Dani walked over to us, she hugged Dwayne an she held him so tight.. She kissed his cheek before walking over to me, she jumped into my arms an wrapped her legs around my waist an I held her tight
Da-don't go forgetting about me now..
De-wouldn't dream of it babe.
I heard her sniffle an I knew she was crying, I kissed the side of her head before whispering sweet nothings into her ear.. her mom came out an smiled
Di-I hate to break this up but we gotta get you boys to the airport
Dwayne nodded an got into the truck, her mom followed after him an I finally put Dani down. I put my hand on her face wiping away her tears with my thumb
De-no crying.. princesses don't cry
She smiled slightly at me an I felt myself start to lean in, she did the same an our lips connected. I have never felt like this before, I had what felt like butterflies in my stomach and it felt so weird but in a good way. I heard a car horn go off an Dwayne stuck his head out the window
D-okay gross! Let's go Portman before I grab my spray bottle!
We pulled away an couldn't help but laugh, I kissed her cheek before slowly walking to the truck, I opened the door an turned to her
De-you know this means your mine forever right?
She smiled so brightly an it made my heart feel whole
Da- always an forever!
I chuckled an got into the truck.. she waved by to us before her ma drove off. I watched her get smaller an smaller as we got further away until I couldn't see her anymore. I looked out the window an put on my head phone listening to music all the way to the airport. Skip to when they get to Eden
We finally got to Eden an parted ways. Dwayne said something about him seeing Averman or some shit so I went to see Fulton. I walked into our dorm an he was sitting on his bed
De-is this really what you do when I'm gone?
He immediately looked up from his homework an smiled. He got up an we did our handshake thing
F-I didn't think you were gonna come back!
We continued to catch up an I finally told him everything
F-you finally grew some balls! Proud of you!
I chuckled before getting serious
De-so how are we gonna get back at Riley?
He sighed before sitting back down on his bed so I sat on my bed
F-well I already kicked his ass with Adam, Char, Guy an Luis but I feel like he needs more
I nodded in agreement before we started to come up with a plan to get him back for what he did.. Rick Riley was going down an no one was gonna stop us

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