he deserved it.

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Part 30?? (Trigger warning!! This chapter does mention rape so if you don't like it please skip, also still deans POV)
We talked the rest of the night, we were gonna do our plane in the morning. I got up the next morning an immediately got dressed, Fulton was ready by the time I was done and we took off. We quietly made our way to the varsity dorm, we quietly walked into Riley's dorm an he was passed out.. we grabbed as many clothes as we could of his clothes and ran out of his dorm. we made it outside the school an threw all his clothes on the ground, we had left a timer in his dorm to go off in exactly 5 mins an with a note that says go outside. Fulton threw some gasoline on Riley's clothes an we waited.. Rick an some of the varsity members came out an saw me holding a lit match above his clothes with Fulton by me
R-what the hell you doing?!
I chuckled
De-you should have left Dani alone. I know you shoved those pills down her throat, she didn't deserve it an now you gotta pay.
I slowly started lower the match as I saw Riley's face grow angry
R- you should have seen her that day! The day she was in my dorm!
I stopped lower the match an looked at him
De-what did you say.
He smirked an crossed his arms
R- the day she passed out on the ground an you thought all I did was take a photo of her, boy you couldn't have been more wrong
I was growing angry by the second..
De-what the fuck did you do to her?!
His smirk only grew when he heard the angry in my voice
R-you know she wanted you to be the one to take her virginity but I thought I should be the one to do it. man was it fun..
My heart skipped a beat.. This bastard raped her.. HE FUCKING TOUCHED HER. I didn't care anymore about anything but dani, I threw down the match lighting his clothes on fire which caused him to yell. I charged at him an started pounding the shit outta of him.. His friends tried pulling me off but were stopped by Fulton beating them.. I was done. I kept hitting Rick until his face was covered in blood to the point were he was almost choking on it. I got pulled off by Fulton who had to slam me on the ground on with my stomach on the ground an hold me there while the nurse an teachers got help for Riley.. I saw our coach run outside with our team an look at me
O-what did you do?!
I only smirked
De-he got what he deserved an next time I will make sure he stops breathing..
a ambulance an police were called, I was thrown into the back of the cop car an drove to the station. I wasn't mad about it, Rick got what he deserved an I hope he dies in the hospital because if he don't I will not hesitate to go back an finish the job. No body touches my girl.

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