city boy meets texas

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Part idfk
(Back to dani's POV) *skip two days later*

(This is her room at home) I was getting myself ready for Church, I curled my hair an put on a nice outfit before putting on my hat

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(This is her room at home)
I was getting myself ready for Church, I curled my hair an put on a nice outfit before putting on my hat.

I walked downstairs an Ma was all ready an setting out breakfast while Dwayne was trying to button up his shirt failing miserably at it

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I walked downstairs an Ma was all ready an setting out breakfast while Dwayne was trying to button up his shirt failing miserably at it. So I walked over an helped him button it up
D-I swear I'm not this dumb but I think that rooster peaked me in the head 1 to many times
That made ma laugh, we all sat down and started to eating since we were running a little late. We finished and all piled into the truck. *after church* I forgot how much I hated church. Ma was talking to her friends leaving me to stand awkwardly by Dwayne as he chatted with his friends. I don't like people so I chose not to talk to anyone, I heard footsteps coming down the gravel road but didn't turn around until they got closer,i couldn't believe my damn eyes.. Dean fucking Portman was here, he looked around before his eyes landed on me, I started walking over to him and he did the same to me.. we got close enough an I could tell he was nervous, I immediately hugged him an he didn't hesitate to hug back
De-I'm glad your okay dani.. I was worried sick.
We pulled away an I smiled at him, Dwayne appeared next to me an Ma did as well. Dean's tough boy attitude quickly changed when my ma appeared
Di-well if it isn't Dean Portman, how are you hun?
He smiled at her warm greeting before replying
De-could be better, looking lovely today Ms.Robertson
Ma chuckled before giving him a small hug
Di-it's so good to have you here! did the flight go okay?
De-yeah! Thank you so much for the help
Wait help?!
Da- wait wait you planned this?!
She smiled an so did Dwayne those asses
D-I told ma abt how you missed Dean so she paid for a ticket to send him up here for break an now here's he
I couldn't help but smile, I was happy to see him even though the last time I saw him I slapped him. anyways we continued to talk an we got into the truck while mom drove. (Skip to her house in her room) I changed out of my church clothes an laid in my bed with Dean's head on my chest while I ran my fingers through his curly hair

De-hey Dani?I looked at him as he lifted his head to look at meDe-I'm sorry for not telling you abt the money, I should have told youI nodded an gave him a soft smile Da-would you still i guess like me if you were never paid?He looked into my eyes...

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De-hey Dani?
I looked at him as he lifted his head to look at me
De-I'm sorry for not telling you abt the money, I should have told you
I nodded an gave him a soft smile
Da-would you still i guess like me if you were never paid?
He looked into my eyes an I felt like I was floating
De-yeah... I probably would have fell even more in love with you
and with that I kissed him, he kissed back our lips moving in sync. It's turned into a make out session but before it could go any further I felt cold water get sprayed into my face, we both pulled away an Dean dropped his head back into my chest blocking his face from the water. I looked to see Dwayne smirking holding a spray bottle
D-no dirty business, don't need any babies being made ya nasties!
I hit him with my pillow making us both laugh before he left my room but not without leaving my door open
De-remind me to throw him later
I chuckled at him before continuing running my fingers through his hair soon drifting off into a well deserved nap

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