I got you

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Part 31? (Still deans POV)
I ran off the plane an it was down pouring, I called a taxi an made the driver drive as fast as he could.. it was about 4 in the morning an I haven't slept. I got to Dani's an quickly paid the guy before running in, I took off my shoes an hung my jacket up before walking to Dani's room. I saw her mom on the couch so I quietly walked into Dani's room an put down my suit case.. she was asleep on her bed with tear stains on her face.. my heart hurt. I walked over to her and sat down next to her an moved her hair out of her face, she started to stir an opened her eyes. She looked up me an her eyes instantly started to water
Da- d-dean..
I gave her a small smile
De- hey baby..
Tears fell from her eyes an I wiped them away, she sat up an hugged me putting her head in my chest while I drew circles into her back
Da- what are you doing here..
I looked at her an she tilted her head up an looked at me
De- my future wife needed me. so here I am
I saw her face turn a tint of pink which made me chuckle an put my head on top of hers as she tilted it back down
Da- can i say something?
De-yeah always
I heard she take a small breath before speaking
Da-i wanna marry you too
I chuckled at her before kissing the top of her head
De- good because you didn't have a choice
I heard my favorite noise, her laugh. it always made my heart do flips.
De-wanna take a bath?
She quickly looked at me weird which made me stiffen a laugh
De-not with me silly, by yourself!
She laughed again before nodding. I let her go an went to her bathroom, I turned on the bath an put some bubbles in before standing back up, I saw her container an immediately put it in my pocket before putting a towel on the counter. I walked back into her room an picked her up bridal style before carrying her to the bathroom placing her on the closed toilet seat.
De-I'm gonna go get you some comfy clothes, you get into the bath. You think you can do that?
She nodded again so I gave her a quick kiss before leaving the bathroom again. I grabbed her some clothes before going into the bathroom where she was in the tub, the bubbles covered everything . Thank god
De-here our some clothes, need anything else?
She shook her head no so I took out the container an walked over to the toilet, I opened it an threw the tablets in before flushing them. I smiled to myself before throwing the container in the trash turning back to her
Da- thank you.
I sat down by the tub an smiled at her
De-no need to thank me, your my world. I would do anything for you
She smiled, we just sat there until she was ready to get out, I turned away facing the wall an handed her the towel still not looking. She dried herself an got into the clothes I picked out for her before telling me she was done, I turned an kissed her forehead before draining the tub, I carried her back to her room an grabbed myself some sweats an a hoodie before going to the bathroom to change than by the time I got back she was passed out again, I chuckled before turning off her lights an crawling into bed with her. She immediately wrapped her arms around my waist an her leg over mine before resting her head on my chest.. I put my hand in her hair before playing with it, I looked at her an my mind kept repeating those 3 words.. I love you than I drifted off to sleep..

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