drugs take the pain away

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Part idfk
(Dani's POV) trigger warning mention of raped
I fell asleep pretty earlier last night an woke up like a hour ago. Ma was at work so I was alone pretty much doing all the chores which was soo much work. I eventually finished an took a quick shower before getting dressed

 I eventually finished an took a quick shower before getting dressed

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(I put my hat on)

I walked into the kitchen an started to cook a grilled cheese when the phone rang, I walked over to it an answered
I heard a sigh before the person answered
??- Dani? It's uh Dean
I smiled when I heard his voice
Dani-hey love! how was your flight? you never called last night
Dean-it was um good, listen I have something to tell you
I got this horrible feeling in my stomach
Dani- you aren't breaking up with me are you?
Dean- no no! Of course not babe! it's something else
I let out a shaky breath before waiting for him to continue
Dean-so uh you know how you passed out an woke up in Riley's dorm..
okay now I'm just confused! Why he is talking about this?
Dean- well um he told me the truth about what happened that day..
I felt this urge to throw up.. my stomach felt so sick to my stomach
Dani- w-what did he tell you..
I heard him let out a breath that sounded like he had been holding it forever
Dean- I'm sorry Dani.. I'm so fucking sorry
Time felt like it froze waiting for him to continue
Dani- what are you trying to tell me Dean?
Dean- rick raped you...
I felt pale in the face, I couldn't breath. The walls in my house felt like they are closing in.. I started trying to breath but couldn't. My eyes filled with water
Dean-Dani? Babe?
I couldn't answer him..
Dean- DANI?! HELO?!
I dropped the phone an ran into my bathroom, I threw up. Tears streaming down my face, this can't be fucking happening.. I opened my cabinet an grabbed out a container that I had stored in there labeled "for when the pain won't stop" I opened it an took out a tablet, I swallowed it before walking into the kitchen an grabbing vodka that mom had stored in the fridge. I walked to my room an laid on my bed before chugging it. I had tears falling down my face as I just wanted it to stop all the pain.. I could hear the phone ringing what I ignored it. I kept drinking it before grabbing a cigarette an lighting it.. I started to smoke it while taking sips of the vodka bottle until it was empty an by than I don't remember much after that..

Dean's POV
She won't answer.. WHY WONT SHE FUCKING ANSWER?!?! I was panicking. I kept calling an calling before throwing the phone at the wall
F-dude chill! Give her time to-
I grabbed him by the collar an slammed him against the wall
I looked at Fulton who had sympathy in his eyes
De-I'm leaving.
I let him go an grabbed my suitcase that I still had packed before sliding on my jacket an shoes
F-dude where are you going?
De- to save my girlfriend.
I walked out the door with him running after me
F-Portman! Come on! If you leave than you will lose your scholarship! You will lose it all if you go!
I looked at him still walking backwards
De- than I guess I lost it all! She needs me more than some preppy school!
I turned back around an ran.. I had bought a plan ticket an called a taxi.. my mind kept racing.. please be okay.. Once I got to the airport I called Dani's house phone again an her mom answered
Diana- hello?
Her moms voice sounded upset
Dean- hey mrs.Robertson! It's Dean, is Dani okay?!?
She sighed before responding
Diana- yeah.. she's passed out on her bed.. she drank a whole vodka bottle, smoked 2 cigarettes an I'm pretty sure she took some LSD.. I'm really worried about her dean.. she's my baby, she kept crying for you before passing out
I sighed
De- don't worry, I will be there soon.. just hold her for me until I get there
With that I hung up the phone an boarded the plane.. just wait a little bit longer Dani.. i will be there.. I shouldn't have left.. See you soon Dani

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