will the pain stop?

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After that day with Adam, we haven't spoken a word to each other. I didn't want to see him an he didn't want to see me, after what I said I knew he would tell someone, that boy sucked at keeping secrets.. i had just got out of hockey practice, my face healed up a bit only a slightly bruised eye an a bruised neck. I haven't spoken to Dean or Julie since that day. I have been hanging out with my brother and Fulton. Today was one of those days, Dwayne Fulton an i were just in the lunch room eating dinner laughing hysterically, we chose to sit at a different table than the ducks which caused us to get some awkward looks. I didn't care though I was finally finding some happiness, I got up an threw our empty trash in the trash when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned an saw Julie. I haven't spoken to her since that day
J-hey um are we cool? because I feel like we ain't ever since that day..
deep down I knew we weren't cool but I wasn't about to tell her that an cause drama
Da-yeah we are cool! sorry just got busy an shit
She gave me a light smile an squeezed my shoulder before I walked back to my seat with Dwayne an Fulton
F-everything alright Danibear?
I looked up at him an smiled
Da-yeah for once I'm alright
He smiled at me before we all continued to talk, before Dwayne had to go hang with Averman for god knows what reason leaving just Fulton an I. Fulton an I started walking to my dorm, once we got there we went inside and I laid on my bed an he laid next to me, us both facing my ceiling
Da-hey fult?
F-yeah Dani?
I took a deep breath before speaking
Da-will the pain ever stop?
Fulton turned to me an I turned to him
F- it will, it may not seem like it now but the pain your feeling will stop. It may not go away forever or completely go away but it will stop..
I nodded an gave him a slight smile which he returned before turning into a curious face
F- do you love him?
F-dean. Do you love him?
I looked back at the ceiling and just the thought of him even if he did hurt me, his name still gave me butterflies. I looked at the hat he had bought me before looking back at the ceiling..
Da-yeah Fult.. I do love him..
Fulton looked at me with a huge smile before he started tickling me an mocking my voice "yeah I love him, I love him sooo much" I was laughing so much I could feel tears forming in my eyes, he eventually stopped an let me catch my breath, I sat up an face him
Da- do you love anyone?
He shook his head no but still had a smile on his face
F- I haven't found that person yet, but when I do. You will be the first to know
I smiled at him before he rolled a blunt, he hit it first before passing to me. We did this for what felt like ages, just laughing an talking.. I loved every moment of it
Da-what's up??
F- you are my best friend..
Da-you are mine too big teddy bear!
He looked at me with a huge smile which I returned
F- promise after we graduate here we will still see each other?
He held out his pinky an I looked at it before looking at him
Da-I promise
I interlocked our pinkies an we kissed our thumbs before breaking out into a fit of laughter, maybe not everything in life is so bad

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