pay backs a bitch

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Part idfk
(This is gonna be Rick's POV than Fulton's)

Rick's POV
I was so pissed. They fucking found her!! who the fuck got to her so fast?!?! I knew her friends were at practice so no one could of— banksie. Oh that little shit!!! I stormed out of mine an Cole's dorm an ran to Scooter's an Adam's dorm. (Okay ik Adam lives off campus but for the sake of this story he don't) I banged on their door until Adam answered
A-hey Rick what-
I didn't let him finish before I punched him hard in the face knocking him to the ground, I walked in an slammed the door before punching him again
R-did you help Danielle?!
A- n-no of cour-
I punched him again hitting him in the nose causing blood to spill out
R- don't lie to me Adam! DID YOU HELP HER?!
He didn't answer so I picked him up by his collar an slammed him against the wall
R- I asked you a god damn question!!!
He shock his head yes, I could see the fear in his eyes which just made me chuckle. I looked right at him and head butted him causing him to hit the ground hard
R- should have stuck by us Banksie, this is what happens to traitors
I walked to the door an opened it. Before leaving I turned back to Adam
R- by the way, enjoy going back to JV without your little friend
with that I left his dorm.. I walked passed my team mates an straight to my fathers office, he was sitting in his chair an looked at me as I came in
Ri-yes Rick what is it?
R-I want Danielle Robertson expelled!
He looked at me confused before pointing for me to sit, I listened an took a seat
Ri-now why is that?
I looked at him an crossed my arms
R- she's violent father! the girl practically beat the crap out of me! Did you not see what she did to Summer?! She's mental! an don't get me started on her little JV friends
My father folded his hands on his desk before picking up his phone an dialing a number.. he spoke into the phone saying "emergency meeting today at 3, for Danielle Robertson. Safety of our school might be a issue." I tried to hide my smirk as he said those words into his phone. I was satisfied, he dismissed me so I walked out of his office smiling and went to tell me team everything. This was the end for Danielle, I had won.
Fulton's POV
Dean had just told me that he landed at the airport in Texas an I was walking passed Mr.Riley's office when I overheard his an Rick's conversation.. they were gonna get her expelled.. I waited until I heard the conversation end and ran to my dorm, I immediately called Dani an could hear the annoyance in her voice. I was furious, I waited a few before storming to find Rick, I didn't take me long before I found him. I shoved him hard making him look at me
R-ay isn't it the other bash brother! What can I do for-
I cut him off by talking
F-why are you getting Dani expelled when everything that happened was you an Summer's fault?!
He smirked an crossed his arms, I knew if I tried to fight him his other team mates were gonna jump in but I wasn't thinking
R- she deserved it Reed, she is mentally an crazy! admit it, she's nothing but a worthless w-
I punched him hard, he immediately hit back causing us to start fighting. His friends jumped in but were immediately pulled off and I could hear other fighting going on, finally getting the upper hand on Riley, I was able to see that now Banks, Charlie, Luis, Guy, an Ken were helping me out. Even though Ken was getting his ass kicked Guy still helped him.. we were pulled apart by teachers an sent back to our wing away from each other, we went to Charlie's dorm an they all looked at me
Ch-why were you fighting him?!
G-yeah especially alone!
I sighed an rubbed my knuckle that was bruised
F-they are getting Dani expelled an kicked off the team.
Their mouths dropped
L-they can't do that! she hasn't done anything wrong!
A-that's what Rick meant..
We looked at Adam, his face was already beaten up bad and I knew that was from earlier because he couldn't have gotten those from the fight
Ch-what do you mean?
He took a deep breath before looking at us
A-when I found Dani I had went back to my dorm not thinking of anything, well today Rick came in an started questioning me if I helped Dani. At first I said no but than he beat the crap out of me until I finally agreed than told me that she would practically get what she deserves
I was even more mad than earlier.. than it clicked Dani didn't try to kill herself.. Rick did something I looked at everyone else's faces an they had the same expression just now realizing it
G-we have to stop them from expelling her!
We all agreed an took off to the office hoping we weren't too late..

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