marry me?

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Part 35??

Ma had a over night shift at work so it was just Dean an I alone again. Dwayne had called to check in muilipe times which I found funny. Atm Dean was on the phone with Fulton so I decided to shower, I took a quick one an got into some pjs before brushing teeth

I walked into the bedroom an Dean was sitting there already in his pjs, he opened his arms and I knew he wanted to be cuddledDa-if you want cuddles, than you are gonna have to catch meHe smirked an I ran fast out of my room, I ran around the kitch...

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I walked into the bedroom an Dean was sitting there already in his pjs, he opened his arms and I knew he wanted to be cuddled
Da-if you want cuddles, than you are gonna have to catch me
He smirked an I ran fast out of my room, I ran around the kitchen an through the dining room with him right behind me, it wasn't until I got to the living room where he tackled me into the couch an laid his head on my stomach with his arms around my waist
De-i win
I chuckled an smiled before turning on the tv, I played with his hair for a while than heard the front door open an close. I knew it was my Ma so I careful put Dean's head on the couch pillow an walked into my Ma's room where she was
Di-hey kiddo what's up?
Da- can we talk?
She nodded an I sat on her bed while she took of her shoes
Di- what's on your mind sweetheart?
I looked at her before replying
Da-so um Dean's father came here yesterday an uh kicked Dean out of his house..
Ma turned to me while taking off her earrings
Di- if your gonna ask what I think you are than I don't mind if he says here, he is already a big help an is polite even though I know he's just sucking up
I laughed a little at her before kissing her cheek
Da- thank you ma
She smiled an I left her room shutting her door, I heard snoring an shock my head knowing that's Dean. I grabbed a blanket from my bed an brought it out covering him with it before going back into my own room. I was about to fall asleep when I heard my door open, I rolled over an saw Dean crawling into my bed putting his head on my chest
De-you left me out there
I smiled an played with his hair
Da-you were sleeping babes, I wasn't gonna wake you
I didn't hear a reply so I figured it went to sleep so I just fell asleep. *next morning* I woke up an didn't feel any warmth, opening my eyes I saw Dean was gone? I got out of bed, I walked into the kitchen an saw a little sticky note on the fridge that read "meet me outside an dress nice." I was so confused but listened, I walked into my room an decided to put on a nice dress with my boots an hat

"  I was so confused but listened, I walked into my room an decided to put on a nice dress with my boots an hat

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I walked outside an saw another note on the mail box that read "now go to the stables."
I sighed an walked to the stables. I saw Deans standing there smiling, he had flowers in his hand which made me smile. I walked over to him an he kissed me
Da-what's all this for?
He chuckled before handing me the flowers
De-look I know we are still young but I wanted to do this now..
I watched him get down on one knee an my eyes instantly filled with tears
De- i know we have had a rough time together, I broke your heart in ways I couldn't imagine. I didn't realize that I could love someone like I loved you. You are my world, the girl I wanna marry someday, I want to be your forever if you will let me..
He pulled out a ring box an opened it
De- Danielle Mae Robertson, will you do me the honors of wearing this propose ring an promise one day to become Danielle Portman
I had tears streaming down my face
Da-I promise
He smiled an placed the promise ring on my finger before kissing me, I instantly kissed back. We pulled away an he wiped away my tears us both still smiling
De- man am I happy you said yes, it took me a whole day to convince Dwayne to let me do that an your mom only like 10 seconds
I chuckled at him before we walked hand an hand back to the house. I changed into some none formal clothes an we went horse back riding to celebrate well mainly, Dean holding on tight to me an screaming.

  I changed into some none formal clothes an we went horse back riding to celebrate well mainly, Dean holding on tight to me an screaming

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