you lied

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Part 27??
(This is gonna be Dean's POV than Dani's)
Deans POV
I woke up an Dani was fast asleep on my chest, it was about 9am. I carefully moved her off my chest an onto the pillow before heading to the bathroom. After doing my business an getting ready, I wanted into the kitchen to grab something to eat. Dani's mom was at work an Dwayne was outside I think so I just ate some quick cereal before hearing the phone ring. I rushed to answer it hoping it didn't wake Dani
(On the phone)
Fulton- dean? It's Fulton!
I heard the annoyance an worry in his voice which made me nervous
Dean- is everything alright?
Fulton-um I uh found out something.. I think you would wanna hear this..
This can't be good..
Dean-okay dipshit than tell me, stop waiting
I heard other voices on the other end of the phone which just made me more curious
Fulton- dani didn't try to kill her self.
I rolled my eyes
Dean- dude we saw it, yes she di-
He cut him off
Fulton- no shush! Rick did it to her!
My heart dropped, I felt my hands got into a fist an my jaw clench
Dean- what.
Fulton- he uh forced the pills down her throat an uh put her in the shower room
I was beyond angry, I heard the front door open but didn't look who came in
Dean-how do you know this
Fulton- Adam found the empty pill bottle that were the same pills she supposedly took in Rick's jacket..
Dean-okay. I will talk to you tomorrow
I didn't let him say another word before hanging up the phone, I walked back into the dining room where I saw Dwayne now eating. I took a seat next to him
D-who was that on the phone?
I looked at him an I knew he could tell I was pissed bc he shifted in his seat
De-Fulton called.
He looked at me confused so I told him everything. By the time I finished he was angry, Dani told me how to tell when Dwayne was mad an let me tell ya HE WAS PISSED. Just when he was about to reply a sleepy Dani came in now dressed an wearing her hat
Dani's POV
I woke up when I heard little talking from the dining room, I realized Dean wasn't in bed so I just assumed it was him an Dwayne. I changed my clothes an did my hair before putting on my hat

 I changed my clothes an did my hair before putting on my hat

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(Expect with her black cowgirl boots)

I brushed my teeth before walking into the dining room, they both looked at me an I could tell something was wrong
Da-everything okay?
They both looked at each other before looking at me
D-sit Danielle
Oh boy, what did I do now. I sat down an looked at them
De-so Fulton called not to long ago an told me some interesting information
I looked at him confused before he continued
De-do you have anything you wanna tell me about what happened before you were sent to the hospital
My heart started racing, what the fuck did Fulton tell them..
Da-you already know what happened..
I started fiddling with my fingers which is something I did when I lied
I looked at him an I knew he knows I'm not telling the truth
D-what truly happened. We can either do this the easy way or the hard way
I rolled my eyes not want to continue this conversation, I knew if I told the truth it would end in them hurting someone an getting in trouble an that's not something I want to happen..
Da-I have no idea what you are talking about
I heard Dean drop his spoon into his bowl making a loud clacking noise, I looked at his an he was more mad now
De-cut the lying bullshit Dani. tell the god damn truth would ya?!
I was scared.. my heart was pounding idk why but my mind was thinking about the time he told me when he hit his now ex girlfriend.. I knew he had anger issues so lying wasn't a option anymore
Da-okay okay! fine..
I told them everything.. from when Rick came into my room all the way until I passed out.. I hated talking about this. the second I was done I got up an stormed to my room slamming the door shut, I heard a small crack an saw I had crack my door a little, great something else I could get in trouble for now..

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