what really happened

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Part 5 (that photo is you in rick's bed)
I had walked into the cafeteria when everyone stared at me, confused I took a seat by Dwayne who shifted in his seat before looking at me with a glare.
Da-what's with the glare?
He rolled his eyes at me before looking away. I looked around my table an everyone had been glaring at me but looking away
Da-okay what's the issues?!
I heard Charlie scuff so I looked at me
Da-what is it Conway?! Please enlighten me on why I'm being looked at like I'm someone from varsity
Go-you might as well be.
I looked at Goldberg now fuming with anger on why I'm being treated like this, clearly pissed off I slammed my hands on the table causing almost everyone to look at me
Da- one of you fucking explain! I'm getting fed up with this second grade bullshit!
I never swore this much only when I was extremely pissed an Dwayne knew it. I heard Julie sigh before looking at me
J- we know what you did
Confused I looked at her
Da-what I did?
I had taken meds for my head so it was pounding as much but I waited for Julie to continue
J-you slept with Rick.
My heart stopped.. i felt all color drain from my face as everyone at my table was looking at me
Da-who the fuck told you that?!
F-Rick is telling everyone that, he even has proof
I clenched my jaw an balled up my first before looking at Fulton
Da-what proof?!
Averman showed me a photo that was me.. I was laying in Rick's bed with nothing but my underwear an bra on. I felt sick to my stomach, I wanted to throw up right than an there. I stormed over to Rick an pulled him up by his jacket
R-hello sexy ready for ro-
I didn't let him finish before I punched him straight in the nose, I kept hitting him over an over and over again until Adam had wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me off a now bloody Rick
I felt tears form in my eyes as I got out of Adam's grip, everyone at my table was looking at me shocked by what I had just done, I ran out of the room an straight to my dorm tears streaming down my face, I needed my mom.. I ran in my room an shut the door before running to the phone am calling my mother
(On the phone)
My heart jumped when I heard my mothers sweet country accent through the phone
My voice was shaken for the amount of tears that were pouring out of my eyes
Diana- Dani? sweetheart? what's the matter?
I told her everything.. I was now balling so hard I swear I thought I was gonna be dehydrated after..
Diana- dani do you want to come home?
Those words stung, I was never one to just leave but I wanted my mom
Dani- i c-cant.. I n-e-ed to finish hockey. I a-ain't a q-quitter
I heard her chuckle from the other side of the phone. she started to help calm me down by just talking abt random shit.. eventually I had calmed down an I chose to stay. I got off the phone an even though the tears stopped, I was furious. I got up an stormed down the hall towards the lunch room, I saw Varsity an JV bickering, I ran right to the front of them an shoved the first varsity member I could get my hands on an it just happened to be Banks
R-ah your back so-
Dean shoved Riley back hard but Fulton stepped in stopping them from hitting each other
F-Riley your face is already fucked up, you don't want it to be any more
I was fuming, I lunged at Riley but Dwayne had got a hold of me stopping me
Da-get your hands off me!!!!
Dwayne threw me over his shoulder an started walking away from Riley as I started hitting his back trying to get him to let me go. We got back to my dorm an he placed me on my bed standing in front of the dorm so that I couldn't get out
D-start talking. You weren't really in the bathroom or talking to the teacher. spill
I sighed an looked at him, fiddling with the hat my dad gave me that was now in my hands. I told him everything that happened after practice an he listened..  his ears grew red an I knew that meant he was mad, before I could say anything he walked out of my dorm, putting my hat back on I ran out after him. by the time I had gotten out there an down the hall he was already punching Riley while the ducks an Varsity were trying to pull them apart
Dwayne hasn't been this mad since dad died.. he was first really sad than grew anger. Dean an Fulton had to practically dragged Dwayne back to my dorm an I followed with them shutting the door as we got inside, I handed him the ice pack I was using for my hand an put it on his
De- you know your gonna get benched for fighting Riley, the both of you are
We looked at each other an smiled before looking at Dean
Dwayne & Dani- well worth it!

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