i should have been there.

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Part 31! Trigger warning mention of rape! Dwayne's POV

i watched Dean get put into the cop car as Fulton was rubbing his face with his hands. I slowly walked over to him confused
D-was that about the pill thing?
Fulton looked at me as some teachers put out of the fire before taking a big deep breath
F-follow me so I can tell you..
I nodded an we walked back inside the dorms an into his, he pointed for me to take a seat on the bed so I did
F-when I tell you this you can't go all Texas on Riley okay? He already got the beating of a life time
I nodded again not making any promises
F-Riley had told Dean that when Dani was passed out in his dorm, he didn't just take a photo of her.. he also took her virginity
I froze, everything seem to be going in slow mood..
D-wait are you saying she actually did slept with him?
He shock his head no an sat on the other bed facing me
F-Um Rick raped dani..
There it was. My heart shattered into a million pieces.. he hurt my sister..
D-I h-have to go..
I ran out of his dorm an straight to mine.. I locked myself in there trying to breath.. I failed her.. I failed dani.. wait.. than it hit me does she even know?! That just caused me to panic even more.. he took her innocence an she doesn't even know. I just started to punch my wall.. I only was able to hit it like 3 times before the door got kicked open by Fulton who ran in with Char, Adam, Luis an Julie. Julie looked at me an I broke down.. I dropped to the floor an started to cry, I hated crying because it showed weakness but I couldn't help it.. Julie hugged me an I hugged her back.. she rubbed my back trying to calm me
J-she's okay.. she's gonna be okay..
I shook my head no
D-how can she be okay?! She doesn't even know what he did to her..
Saying that aloud made me break down more.. The guys sat down in front of me before looking at me
L-than what if we don't tell her..
I moved out of Julies arms an looked at him an she did the same
L-I mean at least not for now
I took a deep breath slowing my breathing wiping away my tears
F- it would give us time to get Portman out of the station an have him tell her because it would be better hearing it come from him..
I nodded in agreement
C-I may not be a fan of your sister but she didn't deserve this so if you want we can buy her something nice an I will pay for it. We can ship it to her after she finds out
I smiled slightly at him
D-thanks Charlie
J-I will agree to this if I can help pick it out because you boys have no taste
We all couldn't help but laugh at that.. now it's just the waiting game.. waiting until my sister finds out what truly happened to her an honestly I don't even know if I want her to know..

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