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Part 13

life has been going okay, Dean and I have been hanging out more.  Dwayne an summer are doing amazing, maybe too good. He hasn't spoken to me in 3 WEEKS. Only time I see him is in class or at practice/games that's it. I'm happy for him don't get me wrong but seriously ignoring me for 3 weeks?!? Anyways , I'm at practice and doing drills when Dwayne comes in late.
O- Mr. Robertson, mind telling me why you are late?
Dwayne looked at him as we all stopped doing our drills an took a knee in front of Orion.
D-sorry coach! um I uh..
He looked around trying to figure out what look like a excuse to get out of this being the nice sister I am, I decided to help
Da-coach sir, it was my fault! I had asked Dwayne to sharpen my other skates that were in my dorm an it made him late
Orion looked at me than back at Dwayne
O-alright don't let it happen again, both of you do 5 laps. The rest of you let's start practicing more defense
Everyone did as they were told, I started doing laps an Dwayne skated up next to me
D-why did you lie for me? I had it handled
I kept looking forward, continuing skating. He caught up with me again
D-hello?! Danielle!
I looked at him reading his face which looked annoyed
Da-because your my brother an knowing you, you would have gotten yourself into more trouble. so wanna tell me the reason your actually late?
He rolled his eyes at me an looked ahead
D-it's none of your business. next time don't bother helping me
He skated off leaving me confused. *after practice* I changed out of my clothed an into my sweats with one of Dean's shirts that he had let me borrow, I put my hat on an tied my converses. I grabbed my bag an walked out with Dean an Fulton who were playfully shoving each other
De-so Dani, why did you lie for him? you were literally with us before practice
Da-because he's my brother
F-but he hasn't spoken to you in weeks an based off his face, he wasn't happy that you helped him
They weren't wrong, Dwayne was annoyed with me an I couldn't figure out why. I didn't say another word to the guys an just walked into my dorm slamming the door locking it in the process. I throw my bag down an opened my draw that had my alcohol an weed.. I know if anyone found me doing this I would lose my scholarship but I don't care anyone.. I lit the blunt an hit it before doing a swing of alcohol, the burning sensation formed in my throat but I ignored it.. I sat there for what felt like hours just smoking an drinking while crying my eyes out, by now I was drunk an high an heard my phone ring. Carefully I got up, tripping over things on my floor before answer
(On the phone)
I heard a sigh from the other end of the phone
??-dani are you drunk?!
I knew that voice, it was Dean. trying my best to sound sober knowing damn well imma fail
Dani- whatt noooo
Dean-yes you are! you are gonna lose your damn scholarship if someone caught you! Do you not get that?!
He was right but I didn't care, I was over this constant pain
Dani-mind your business alright?! This doesn't concern you! I'm not your girlfriend!
with that I hung up the phone an jumped onto my bed. I looked up at the photo that I had hanging on my wall.. it was of me an My dad, I miss him so much..

I was about 3 in that photo

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I was about 3 in that photo.. His birthday was coming around the corner, he was so excited that day... I turned my attention away from the photo to the zip lock baggy that was on my desk, I still remember holding the pieces of my dads hat in my hands.. it still hurts

(But black instead of white)

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(But black instead of white)

I stared and stared at the bag before I felt my eyes getting heavy soon darkness took over I knew I had fallen alseep with tears still streaming down my face

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