injuires need to heal

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Part 4 (practiceeee)

I arrived to practice a little earlier than everyone else, I changed into my gear before sitting on the bench to tie my skates when Orion came in
O- I see your early, Ms. Robertson
Da-yes coach, can I ask you something?
He looked at me before putting down his clipboard am sitting on the bench in front of me
O- what is it kid?
I looked at him a little hesitant to ask but did it any way
Da-why did you make me left line center when you know I play defense?
He sighed before looking at me in the eyes
O- because kid, you have more to show than just being a defense. I feel you can be more of help on offense
I was slightly confused on why he would want me on offense when he keeps talking abt needing defense but I chose not to question him further, I just nodded an he got up heading to his office when everyone else came piling in. I stood up an walked out to arena waiting for Varsity to leave, they started coming out an Cole shoved me over causing me to fall straight back on to the floor. I heard foot steps an my brother was right next to me with Dean as they helped me up
D-why you on the floor?
Of coursed they missed it, I sighed an just shock my head before getting on the ice. Coach had us to laps around when yet again Charlie got in trouble, without Banks it was quite boring not hearing him an Charlie bickering over non sense. I was skating passed Connie when Luis came crashing into me causing us both to hit the ice hard.. Coach blew his whistle as everyone skated around us, Luis had landed on top of my causing me to whack my head
O-Mendoza see me after, Robertson you okay?
my head was pounding like crazy but I shrugged it off, I started standing up with the help from Connie, Dean an Dwayne as Luis apologized
Da-it's seriously fine
Dean looked at me an I could tell by his eyes that he didn't believe me. I started skating again which just increased my head pain.. eventually practice ended an we all got back into the locker room, I started taking off my gear when the pain got even worse, I sat on the bench an grabbed my head trying to stop the pain. The chattering from the locker room an the bright light was making it all worse, I knew I probably had a minor concussion but there was no way in hell I was gonna tell a single soul
??-hey D you okay?
I looked up an saw Julie, trying to ignore the pain I smiled
Da-yup just tired! see you at our dorm
I grabbed my hockey bag (she already took of her stuff) and started heading to my dorm, the world started to spin causing me to stop an sit on the floor, I was trying to stop myself from passing out but it was already too late, soon the darkness took over an I knew I had passed out. I had woken up in a dorm that was not mine, I looked around an saw trash everywhere slightly confused I sat up an looked around some more.. that was until my eyes landed on something.. a varsity jacket
I froze when I saw it. I got up not caring abt the pain that was now forming in my head again, I grabbed the jacket an looked at the name that was in printed on it.. Rick Riley. I scoffed before looking for my hockey bag when the door opened, quickly turning causing the pain to shot up causing me to grab my head
??-carefully little lady, you have a minor concussion. you should be resting
I knew whose voice that was an their voice alone annoyed me, I looked up at him an of course it was Riley.
Da-where's my bag?! I want to go back to my dorm.
He chuckled at my straight forward ness before moving away from the door
R-I had Scooter bring it to your friend Julie.. you can leave anytime you want hun, no ones stopping you
I scuffed before walking out of his dorm shouldering him in the process, i sped walk to my dorm an opened it, I saw Dean Fulton Dwayne Guy Connie an Julie all there. They looked at me an Dwayne hugged me
D-had me worried half to death! where have you been? Scooter gave us your bag an said he found it in the hall
I was not about to tell my brother that I was in Rick Riley's room because I passed out from my head injury so I did what any smart person would do.. I lied
Da-just needed to use the bathroom an talk to the English teacher, must of forgot my bag!
I put on my best fake smile hoping the bought it an by their faces it looks like they did
F-glad your safe! well we should get outta our hair, you have a lot of studying to do
I nodded an they all left well expect one, Portman himself
De-why are you lying?
I was shocked that he saw through the lie but was not abt to confess
Da-what do you mean? I ain't lying
De-yes you are. just be honest, how badly did you hurt your head?!
I let out of breath that I didn't even know I was holding an just smiled
Da-not bad! I'm okay, but seriously I have to study!
He rolled his eyes clearly not buying into my lie but still walked out slamming my door, I rolled my eyes at that before laying in my bed.. I started to think abt how I ended up at Rick's dorm. why did he bring me to his dorm?

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