call you mine

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Part idek
*skip like 2 days later*
It's been two days since Dean arrived an it has been amazing! he helps out with dinner, the animals an even offered to help ma clean. Of course she said no due to the fact that last time she let one of us kids clean, Dwayne dumped the mop water on me.. Ma wasn't to pleased. Anyways right now Dean an I are walking around the field, just enjoying each other's company

(That's her outfit with her hat ofc)We continued walking when I felt his hand slip into mine, I smiled an squeezed his hand slightly

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(That's her outfit with her hat ofc)
We continued walking when I felt his hand slip into mine, I smiled an squeezed his hand slightly. We eventually walked back to the house still holding hands, we took off our shoes before walking into the living room. Dwayne was sitting in there watching the rodeo with his friends so Dean an I just sat on the other couch, he had his arm around me an I rested my head on his chest while watching TV, half way through I heard the phone ring so I got up an answered it
(On the phone)
??-hey Danielle...
I knew whose voice it was, Fulton.
Dani-hey Reed, what's up?
I heard him take a deep breath before replying
Fult-well um I have something to tell you
I got this horrible feeling in my stomach like something bad was about to happen
Dani- what is it?
I tried to sound not nervous but clearly that failed
Fult- i uh overheard Rick talking to his dad.. they are having a meeting to revoke your Scholarship
There is was.. the news I didn't want to hear
Dani- are you serious..
Fult- I wish I could say I was lying.. they said since you have caused quote so much violence an trouble that you should be removed.
I took a deep breath before saying goodbye to Fulton.. I slowly walked back into the living room an Dwayne and Dean looked at me
D-everything okay?
I didn't reply, I felt as if my vocal cords were ripped from my throat. Dean stood an walked in front of me looking at my face, his eyes locked with mine an I felt mine fill with tears. I grabbed Dean's wrist an dragged him to my room ignoring my brother yelling my dad. Once we got in my room, I shut the door an laid face down on my bed. I felt the side next to me sink an someone rub my back.. I knew it was Dean
De-mind telling me what happened on that call?
I slowly turned over so I was now facing up
Da-they um are revoking my scholarship..
I saw his eyes switch my happy to sad in a second
De-what?! Why?!
Da-because I guess I caused too much trouble an violence to their school. They are having a meeting tomorrow morning
He lifted me up by my arms an pulled me into his chest, he held me tight like if he let go I would leave.. I knew what was gonna happen and Monday will probably be my last time ever seeing my friends ever again.. and saying goodbye to my brother and Dean..

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