tell her

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Part 20????

I woke up in the hospital, I had a IV in an a tube thingy in my nose. I looked around the room, to see my ma asleep in the chair next to Adam, I moved my hand a little causing him to stir signaling that he was waking up. He opened his eyes an looked at me before smiling and pushing the nurse button
A-how are you feeling?
I shrugged an I say my ma starting to wake up and once she saw me she immediately hugged me an I could hear her sniffle
Di-hey sweetheart.. you doing okay?
Da- y-yeah
The doctors came in an did their check up thing. They said I was okay to go home an I was ready to get back to school
A-hey Dwayne texted, he's got y'all suitcases in the lobby
Di- thank you doll
Suitcases? my mom got up an left the room, I was able to sit up since they took the tube thing off my face
Da-suitcases? banks why do we have suitcases?
He looked up at me with a sympathetic look
A-your mom is taking you and Dwayne back to Texas for break.
What. The. Fuck!!!!!
Da-why would I go back home?! I'm perfectly fine here!
A- really? This is your second attempt at suicide in the past month! You aren't fine
I rolled my eyes at him, I didn't try killing myself idiot
Da-i didn't try to kill my self stupid! If I wanted to do that I wouldn't have shoved my fingers down my throat!
He just looked at me abt to say something but mom came in
Di-okay kiddo ready to get changed an get going?
I looked at her an I knew she knew I was pissed
Di-it's only for a week, you will be back soon!
Da-what about hockey ma?!
She sighed an sat my clothes down on the table
Di- the last thing you should be worried about is hockey! you should be grateful that your in the hospital because I know about the fights little lady
I rolled my eyes an since my IV was out I got up an changed into my comfy clothes.

 Fuck!!!!!Da-why would I go back home?! I'm perfectly fine here!A- really? This is your second attempt at suicide in the past month! You aren't fine I rolled my eyes at him, I didn't try killing myself idiotDa-i didn't try to kill my self stupid! ...

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I put my hair into a messy bun before walking back out, Adam was waiting by the door and smiled a little when he saw me
A-see you when you get back?
I nodded an he hugged me, I slowly hugged back an we carried my suitcase down to the car when Dwayne was already in.. this is gonna be one awkward ass visit home. I said goodbye to Adam an climbed into the car, ma got in as well and we started to drive to the airport. *skip to when your home* by the time we got home it was already super late, Dwayne an I haven't said a word to each other and I'm pretty sure ma has noticed, I fell asleep right when I got in my room an now it's the next morning an I got ready for my day

 *skip to when your home* by the time we got home it was already super late, Dwayne an I haven't said a word to each other and I'm pretty sure ma has noticed, I fell asleep right when I got in my room an now it's the next morning an I got ready fo...

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I curled my hair a bit before putting my hat on top. I walked into the kitchen where Ma was making breakfast, once she saw me she sent me a warm smile
Di- do me a favor hun an go feed the animals?
I nodded an walked outside, I grabbed the feeding bucket an started to feed all the animals. Once I got to the horses, I saw Dwayne already in there brushing his horse. I didn't bother saying anytime to him an started pouring the food into the big bin thing. I felt Dwayne look at me here an there but we still never said a word to each other. Finally I got back inside an washed my hands before we sat down to eat, ma kept looking at Dwayne an I before speaking
Di-okay talk, why aren't you two speaking to each other an why on gods name are you not wearing your fathers hat?
Dwayne had looked at my head before looking at ma. I was already looking at her
Da-um a kid at school cut it up..
Her ears grew red like Dwayne's did when he got mad or upset
I shrugged not rlly knowing what to say to her
Di-there is always a reason, Danielle Mae Robertson
Da-ma I don't know alright! the kid just hates the JV hockey team!
I could tell she was mad that I had raised my voice but she chose to ignore it
Di-alright. now Dwayne why aren't you speaking to your sister?
He looked at me than back at mom.. my heart was racing out of my chest, I didn't know if he was gonna tell her or not..
D- well let's just say, Danielle here plugged the plug on dads life support.
My heart stopped, this bitch.
Di- w-what..
I could hear the cracking in her voice, I was trying not to lose my shit
Di- w-why?!
Da- I didn't want to alright!!!! He begged me to, he kept saying he was in pain! He wanted me to stop it an so I listen! God I regret it but it happened!
Everything went silent.. I was so angry at Dwayne
D-now ma that's why ain't speaking to that murder
I lost it. I immediately stood up an practically tackled him out of his chair, I was hitting him super hard while he was trying to stop me, Ma was in too much shock to me all she could say was "kids stop it! Enough" of course ignored her an kept hitting him, he eventually got the upper hand an not hard but threw me off him. He took my arms an crossed them a-crossed my chest restraining me from hitting his now bloody face.
Di- Dwayne let go of your sister..
He looked at me an got off me taking a step back, I took my boot an kicked him hard in the knee causing him to drop in pain. I got up an slapped him hard across the face before fixing my hat, I ran out of the house not listening to my moms plead for me to come back, I just kept running.. I ran all the way to the barn an into my dads horses stable.. (it was clean)I sat down on the ground an just cried, I was so done.

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