girls just need their best friends

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Part 6 (two days later)

So I ended up getting benched for the next game which I'm honestly okay with. he got what he deserved, Dwayne was let off with a warning an still able to play. I was chilling in my dorm since it's Saturday an I didn't have practice until 3, i had my radio playing some random ass music when Julie came in, I smiled at her an turned down my radio. She immediately hugged me in which I gladly accepted the hug
J-I'm sorry, I should have been there for you and I shouldn't have believed him!
I hugged her tighter trying not to stabbed her with my hat that was on my head
Da-Jules it's alright, I accept your apology
We got out of each other's grips an smiled at each other
J- Connie is gone with Luis an Guy, wanna go shopping? we can go check out the shoes store!
Da-let's do this!
We both chuckled an let my dorm, I had decided not to bring my hat with me so I left it on my bed before leaving. *skip like a hour passed* we had shopped for a hour or so an decided to head back to the dorms to get food, we got back an went into the cafeteria and went to the vending machine were I started getting some chips when I saw Jules staring at someone, I looked an saw it was Scooter? I smirked before nudging her causing her to look at me
Da-go talk to him!
J-what no! he's varsity, that's against the rules!
Da-you mean Charlie's rules
She looked at me an I knew she knew I was right, she sighed an I grabbed my chips an handed her some
J- I will talk to him later but right now tell me about you an Dean!
I was slightly confused on why she was asking about us but continued to smile
Da- we are just fine, why you ask?
J-come on! I see the way he looks at you, he literally talks about you all the time!
I felt my face become warm, does he really talk about me? i mean I have had a baby crush on him since last year but pushed it away
Da-probably just in a friend way right?
She sighed an rolled her eyes playfully
J-you are so native sometimes, I will let you figure it out on your own!
We continued to chat about god knows what before i decided to head back to my dorm, I walked in an noticed my hat wasn't on my bed? Confused I started searching around my dorm from it. I started to panic when i realized I couldn't find it any where, I started throwing things around trying to look under things when Dean came in
De-woah your room is a mess!
I rolled my eyes at him before continuing to search, I heard him take a seat on my bed while I continued to throw things almost hitting him
De- okay! That almost hit me!! Why are you throwing things!?
Da-my hat!! I had put it on my bed an now it's gone!
I heard him chuckle slightly which annoyed me
De-okay? Just get a new one simple
I dropped what I had in my hand which just happened to be glass causing it to shatter on the ground before looking at him, he had a shocked expression on his face as he stood
De-your standing in glass dumb nut
Da-I don't care!!! That hat isn't just a freaking hat Dean!!  My dad had given that to me, he wore that the day he got married to my mom!
He looked at me slightly regretting what he said before picking me up by my waist an setting me on the bed, without saying another word he started to clean up the glass.. I watched him before he turned to me with a small smile
De-maybe someone else has it?
I shrugged an walked out of my dorm with him behind me, I was walking by the classrooms when Adam ran over to me
I looked at him slightly confused when he stood in front of me holding a baggy full of what looked like cardboard.
Da- what's that?
Adam looked at the bag before handing it to me, I took it still confused
A-read the note okay?
I just nodded as he took off running, I opened the bag an grabbed the note out of it.. it read "told you little girl, you were on thin ice. how would your daddy feel abt your precious little hat now being all chopped up." 'My heart sunk.. I immediately stuck my hand into the bag an looked at all the pieces I didn't believe him until I picked up one piece.. it had my dads initials on it. I dropped my bag, Dean looked at me still confused before reading the note.. he was fuming
De-imma get that prick!
I picked up the bag an started walking back to my dorm, Dean trying to catch up behind me. I was about to slam my door shut but he stopped it with his foot.. I threw the bag in my desk before laying on my bed, Dean didn't say another word an just came in shutting my dorm. He crawled into bed next to me an wrapped his arms around my waist putting his head in the crook of my neck (she's laying side ways)
De-he will get what he deserves..
I just nodded an put my hand on top of his an felt myself start to drift to sleep..

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