love me?

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I stared at him for a while.. he just kept looking back at me waiting for a answer.
Da-yeah i do..
He looked at me and smiled, it wasn't a smirk but a genuine smile. he put his hand on my cheek an leaned in, our lips connects an the butterflies appeared again. I put my hands on his side of his face an kissed back, time felt like it had stopped an everything that I had felt before disappeared all the pain was gone. he pulled away an we looked at each other, he had a smile on his face but his eyes.. they said different, I let go of his face an moved back causing him to look confuse
Da- y-you don't love me back, do you?
His smile dropped an he looked at his hands before trying to grab mine but I moved them away
there it is, my world crashing down right in front of me..
Da- if you didnt love me back, than why kiss me!!!
I didnt mean to yell but I did.. he looked at me and I fiddled with my hat that was in my hands
De-it's not that I don't love you, it's just..
He paused an stood up, I didn't know what was gonna come out of his mouth but something was telling me it wasn't something I wanted to hear
De- i can't love you
I stood up confused and put my hat on my head
Da-why? why can't you love me?
De-I'm gonna hurt you Dani! My life is full of disappointment an pain! I can't put you through that!
Da-my life is already full of that, we can get through it together!
He shook his head now pacing around my room
De- no you don't get it! My father is a drunk, my mom is gone! I have horrible anger issues Dani! I can't control them!
I stepped closer to him where he was standing
Da- than let me help you! Please Dean I want to help!
De-NO! Dani! Stop!
I stood an just looked at him, he took a deep breath and looked back at me
De- my ex.. didn't cheat.. she caught me cheating on her an when she tried to leave, I hit her..
I was surprised to say the least.. he actually hit her? I mean pushing his mom was one thing but hitting his girlfriend?
De-my anger got too bad an I hit her. That's why I can't be with you dani bc I know I won't be able to control my anger with you.. so please just let it go
I didn't reply, he shook his head before opening the door.. he stopped an turned to me
De- stop loving me, it won't do you no good.
with that he walked out of my dorm, I heard the door shut an I immediately dropped to the floor. I couldn't cry anymore, my body felt numb. I didn't know what to do.. I got off the ground and walked out of my dorm, I needed my brother, he may not want to see me but I need him.. I sped walk to his dorm an opened his door.. what I saw next horrified me.. my brother was on the ground holding his head while his girlfriend was above him, punching him. I ran in and grabbed her off him throwing her on the floor, I dropped down next to Dwayne an looked at her
she looked stunned that I had saw it, I could hear Dwayne groaning in pain an it was just shattering my heart more
S-Danielle he hit me first you gotta believe me!
This bitch..
Da- no! Don't go lying now! I know my brother by heart, WHY WERE YOU HITTING HIM?!
she just stared at me not saying a word, eventually she got up an ran out. I turned my attention to Dwayne an moved his hands so I could see his face, only a busted lip an a small black eye, he had tears rolling down his face
I gave him a soft smile before putting his head on my lap removing his hat so I could run my fingers through his hair
Da-ahh don't talk.. I'm right here, it's all over..
I wiped the tears off his face an continued to run my fingers through his hair, I heard light snores coming from him so I knew he had fallen asleep, I didn't move from my position an just moved back so I had my back against the bed an his head in my lap.. she is gonna get what she deserves, no one touches my brother..

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