Chapter 3: Raven

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Abby, the Purebred alpha, was fuming. She was enraged and heartbroken. Her father had just informed her that she will be married to Jake Griffin, an omega to which Abby vehemently denied. “Dad, please don’t make me do this. I can’t do it! I don’t even love him! Jake has always been a good friend but nothing more. Why must I marry him?” she pleadingly asked, sounding defeated because she knew that she couldn’t go against her father’s wishes.

“Daughter, you are a Purebred alpha and he is a Purebred omega. Your child will be a Purebred. Furthermore, once I retire from my post, you will become a council member as well. For this reason, I want you to marry Jake so that you start creating a family for yourself. You mother isn’t here anymore and I won’t last forever. I want to ensure that when I’m gone, you won’t be alone. Please is this too much to ask for Abigail?” her father asked with a serious tone.

Abby wanted to please her father. She always did what he said but this, this was not something she could do. She’s madly in love with Mar, her omega. Turning to her father, Abby said emphatically, “I understand what you’re saying but I will not marry Jake Griffin. If you want me to start a family, then let me choose my own omega. After all, it won’t be you that will be stuck in a loveless marriage!”

“Who is the omega that you’re in love with hmm?” her father asked arrogantly after a little while. By her reaction, he had figured she had already met someone. “She’s from Mecha Station and I love her dad, I really do. She’s a beautiful soul in and out.” she said, love evident in her voice and eyes. He said nothing just shook his head and said furiously, “No Abigail! I won’t allow it! Mecha station is made up of people who are beneath us! She is a simple omega and not a Purebred! We are a respectable family! We are the Ark Councillors! We must maintain a status and you WILL NOT BE WITH A MEAGER AND INFERIOR MECHA STATION OMEGA! I forbid it!”

Abby was furious, she was already emitting her dominant alpha pheromones, her eyes' irises had already formed a blue ring around them, her fingernails were already starting to extend but her father countered back with his own and being a more experienced alpha easily made Abby submit to her father. Tears rolled down her eyes as she bared her neck to her father in submission. “I won’t allow you to separate me from my omega, dad. I’m sorry but I love her. Can’t you understand that!?” she furiously yelled as tears fell from her eyes. Her face full of anguish at the thought of having to end her relationship with Mar.

“If you disobey me, I will have her floated! Do you understand that!?” he demanded menacingly. The thought of losing Mar was unbearable and she screamed at him in anger, frustration and pain. Abby, better than anyone knew her father meant what he said. He wouldn’t think twice to float Maria. Feeling defeated and powerless, Abby simply said while tears just fell from the corner of her eyes, “You win. I’ll marry Jake.”

Maria was in the bathroom throwing her guts out. She had been feeling nauseous for the last two days but she didn’t know why. Her head hurt, she felt dizzy sometimes and couldn’t keep her ration down because she’d end up throwing it up. She was glad she lived alone because she didn’t want to see worried faces around her. Her father died when she was only six years old; he was a machine operator and there was an accident. He was hit in the back and didn’t make it out of surgery before he succumbed to his injury and died. Her mother was depressed for many years and finally last year she fell as she was cleaning their home and knocked her head on the metal door. She was in a coma for two weeks when she succumbed to death so Maria was left alone. No family; only good neighbours who looked out for her every now and then.

When Mar felt like she could stand up, she slowly made her way to the Medical Ark Station to look for her girlfriend but didn’t find her. She knew Abby was supposed to be working now, her shift had just changed yesterday. With no sign of her alpha, Maria decided to go home and rest. She thought she might as well take advantage of her time off since those were rare. Maybe with rest, she’d feel better. As she was heading back she felt dizzy and held onto the walls. Thelma, the omega nurse noticed that Maria could barely move so she went over and helped the young omega to sit on a chair.

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