Chapter 28: Running Away

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A/N: As always, bolded words are spoken in Trigedasleng.

The group walk for almost some hours until they can see as the sun slowly rises. By now, exhaustion has pretty much taken over them and Lisa can barely manage so they stop and rest for some minutes. They find shade under some heavy foliage that wraps around a rock formation, forming something similar to a cave and so the group settles and relaxes a little.

"God, I'm so hungry!" Raven whines. She hasn't eaten since they were taken and that was about 3 days ago. Clarke looks at her and gently squeezes her hand.

"I know Rae but we have to make it to TonDC. It's our only choice," she says, smiling at the alpha. They hear moans coming from one of the Purebloods and Clarke immediately gets up to check on her.

"What is it? What are you feeling?" she asks, checking the Purebloods vitals.

"I'm so tired I can't keep up. I think I'm dying," Lisa answers as she curls up in a ball. Her brothers reach for her and the youngest starts crying.

"No, Lisa, don't say that. You have to be strong. You're the oldest. We've already lost Caleb, we can't lose you too!" he pleads.

Clarke looks at them and her heart breaks. No one should lose their siblings like that. If she had a sister, she'd do anything for her. "But I don't," she sadly muses to herself.

"What we all need is food. Can any of you hunt?" she asks, already imagining that they can't since they haven't been in the forest for a long time. She knows Purebloods need to be surrounded by nature; that's what O and Bell said.

The siblings look at her and nod their heads no, until Ontari speaks. "I can but I can't shift. My wolf, she's weak. She won't be able to sustain me before she gives in."

"But do you feel strong enough to walk?" Clarke asks concernedly. Ontari nods and replies confidently, "I'm the strongest compared to the rest. I wasn't kept prisoner for long compared to them. I can do it."

Clarke nods then looks at Raven and notices the alpha has her eyes closed, probably dozing off. So Clarke makes a decision. "Okay. If I go with you can you at least tell me what to look for. What we can eat and what we can't" Clarke says and the Pureblood nods yes. "I can do that." she responds. Nodding and sighing a little, Clarke crawls over to Raven and gently nudges her.

"Hey Rae, get up," she murmurs and watches as brown eyes slowly open. "Listen Rae, I know you're tired and weak so Ontari and I are going to see if we can hunt and get some food. I need you to take care of the rest until we can come back," she instructs and Rae nods her head.

"Okay Clarkey, but don't go far. We don't know if those sick fucks are looking for us but I bet they are," she warns the omega and Clarke nods. "I'll be back as soon as I can," she says before heading out of the foliage with Ontari.

The two girls walk as fast as they can looking for trails or at least fruits or edible vegetables. After fifteen minutes of walking, they have nothing. There is no sign of any animal close by or any edible vegetation so they continue walking until they find a stream.

"This is good! Water is hydration and that helps," Clarke says, already looking for containers or something to store water in. After some scavenging, she finds what looks like an old helmet. She washes it thoroughly, fills it with water and takes a gulp. The cooling liquid travels down her throat, cooling her tired body. She then scoops up some more water and gives it to Ontari, who takes it appreciatively and drinks. "Oh, that's good," she says, relishing the freshness of the water.

"Are there any more of these things?" Ontari asks, looking around.

"I don't see any but maybe there's something else," so Clarke gets up and scavenges on the other side and finds two empty plastic bottles with the Mount Weather logo. "Maybe from reapers," she mumbles to herself. She then goes and washes it and fills them up. It's been almost an hour since they left the others and the sun is now fully out. She estimates the time to be approximately 7 a.m.

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