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The day had finally come. It was time for the rumble. I had been waiting days for today and it was finally here. Let me explain. Sometime around last week a bunch of Socs got a hold of Tim Shepard's sister, Angela, and did some pretty bad things. Well, ol' Tim found out and called for a rumble. Well, he'd call for a rumble if Socs stepped on a slice of bread, but that's besides the point.

I loved rumbles so much. It was a way, as Steve put it, "I want to beat those Soc's heads in." About a year ago, a posse of Socs jumped me and did somethings that I'd rather not talk about. Ever since, I've joined the gang for every damn rumble there was. And today's would be no exception.

"Lace, you almost ready?" Two-Bit called. I must've forgot to mention, Two-Bit's my older brother. Ever since our dad left us, he'd become real protective of me. I almost died of shock when he let me start dating Sodapop Curtis. Not that Two-Bit didn't like Soda, but because I didn't think he'd ever let me date anyone.

"Almost!" I hollered back. Rumbles were mainly the only time that you showed off being a grease. You were proud. I left my hair down to flow freely but added a bunch of make-up, more that usual. I put on a red halter top, the tightest black pants I had, and combat boots. I threw on a leather jacket, grabbed my pack of smokes from the dresser, and left my bedroom.


I followed Two-Bit up the front steps and into the Curtis house. Man, was everyone excited. I could feel it in the air, y'know? Soda, Steve and Dally were playing poker. Well, sort of. Ponyboy and Johnny were greasin' their hair, and Darry was tying up his boots. When the screen door closed, everyone looked to see who it was.

"You're favorite siblings have arrived," I announced as I threw my arm around Two-Bit. I then locked eyes with Soda and couldn't help but grin. Two-Bit went into the kitchen to grab some beers so I walked over to Soda. Steve whistled and I rolled my eyes. Soda threw a poker chip at him before standing up to meet me.

"Lace, can I talk to you?" he asked abruptly.


"No, I mean, outside." I was surprised by the sudden seriousness.

"Uhm, yeah, sure." I followed Soda outside and he led me to the backyard, where there was a pathetic little swing set from when Darry was a kid. I sat down on one swing and Soda sat down beside me.

"You're not breaking up with me, are you?" Soda chuckled and shook his head. I let out a sigh in relief. "Then what's the matter?" Soda hesitated before answering.

"Look, I'm gonna be honest here... I don't think that you should come to the rumble tonight." Now I was really taken back. Soda then went on to explain how he heard that Tim was bringing a knife and how he just didn't think it was safe. I couldn't decide what to think.

"Soda, I appreciate your concern," I said after a while, "but I can handle myself. I have before. Look, I need to be in this rumble. I give you guys an edge and plus, I need to do this. For me. To get back at those sons of bitches for taking advantage of girls like me and thinking that they can do what they want, just because we're girls. That's not true! And I need to show that by being there." Soda was quiet for a while.

"You're right. I'm sorry for being so selfish. I...just couldn't bare to lose you if there was something I could do about it." Then he got up and began walking towards the house. Before he even left the backyard, I jumped up and ran after him. I grabbed his hand and spun him around so that he was facing me.

"I love you," I said boldly. Soda's eyes widened. We hadn't said it yet. I was worried that he wasn't going to say it back, but I needn't.

"I love you too Lacey." Then he took my face in his hands and kissed me like I'd never been kissed before. I had to hold onto his wrists to keep from falling. To my dismay, I heard the door open and close. Soda pulled away, breathing heavily. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the front of the house.

"You guys coming?" Ponyboy asked. Soda and I exchanged a glance and he shook his head.

"I think we'll sit this one out." I looked to Two-Bit who ever so slightly nodded his head with a smile on his face. I grinned real big and squeezed Soda's hand.

"Suit yourself," Dally said before taking off down the street.

"Wait up!" Steve called, running after him. Soon the whole gang was sprinting down the street. Once they were gone, Soda scooped me up im his arms bridal style and carried me into the house.

idk who Lacey is, but I had a dream just like this a couple nights ago and needed to write it. Hope y'all liked thi surprise imagine🙈❤️


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