Dally // @Missey101

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Dally imagine for @Missey101! Hope you like it!

Dally's POV

They finally let me out of the cooler so I was making my way down town to go the Curtis's. I didn't really have anywhere else to go, but I knew that Emily would be there. I hadn't seen her in a while and I missed her. Once I got inside I immediately noticed that Emily wasn't there.

"Hey Johnny," I said as I roughed up his long hair. "Have you seen Emily?"

"She got thrown in the cooler again Dal. I'm kinda worried. This is the third time this month," Steve objected as he came into the room. Damnit Emily.

"When's she gettin' out?" I asked, running my hand through my unruly hair.

"Tomorrow I think," Soda said as he threw himself on the couch with a Coca-Cola in his hand. I sighed and went outside for a smoke.

Emily's POV

"Let's go missy," the guard said, pulling open my cell door. I stood up and followed her to a room where I could change back into my clothes. From the room I was let outside and that's where I saw Dally leaning against a telephone pole with a cigarette in between his fingers. I smiled at the sight of my gorgeous boyfriend. He caught my eye and winked at me, sending chills through my bones. Once I reached him, I threw my arms around his neck. He buried his face in the crook of my neck as he pulled my body closer. I pulled back to give him a light kiss, then we continued on our way. He lazily put his arm over my shoulder, his cigarette dangling dangerously close to my long dark hair. I grabbed it from him and put it in between my lips, taking a drag.

"What'd you do this time?" Dally asked. I assumed he meant why the fuzz threw me in the cooler. I took another drag before answering.

"A shopkeeper caught me baggin' a pack of smokes," I sighed, giving the cigarette back to Dally.

"Y'know Em, I'm kinda getting worried 'bout ya. You've been in the cooler a lot and you've missed a lot of school," Dally said with a serious tone.

"Well about that," I sighed, looking down at the ground.

"Emily," Dally warned.

"I kinda dropped out of school. But it's okay! It's not like I was gonna be valedictorian or anything. I was only passing art and lunch." Dally stopped walking and I was afraid to turn and look at him.

"You what?" he cried.

"Dal, you're not my dad! You're my boyfriend! Aren't you supposed to support what I do?"

"Not when I see you throwing your life away! Em, what's going on with you," Dally said, his voice softening at the end. He came over to me and put his hands on my shoulders. It was then that I saw the look in his eyes.

"It's nothin' Dal, okay? Look, I'll see ya tomorrow. I'm going home." I sighed, turning and walking away.


When I got home my dad was already passed out on the couch, a bottle of booze gripped tightly in his hand. He was the reason I dropped outta school. He was the reason I was gettin' into more trouble. He just made me so angry that... I don't even know. I stomped upstairs, though careful not to wake the sleeping bear. When I got upstairs, I shut my door and laid down on my bed. I eventually fell asleep, but not after crying until my tear ducts when dry.


Dally's POV

Now I was really worried about Emily. There was something she was hiding, and it hurt that she didn't trust me enough to tell me. Okay, I know what you're thinking. Dallas Winston is a tough guy. He goes through girls like Ponyboy goes through books. Why should he care of his girl won't tell him something? That's where everyone's wrong. I really, really care about Emily. Heck, I think I might wanna marry her. I'm not just some tough guy womanizer. But that's besides the point. I need to focus on Emily right now.

When I got to Curtis's, I realized that Soda and Steve were already at work so I left immediately to find them. The DX wasn't so far from their house, so I was there pretty quick. Soda and Steve were messing around with each other in the garage when I walked in. I grabbed a Coca-Cola before going into the garage.

"Hey guys, I gotta talk to you about Emily," I said, taking a swig of the fizzy drink. At the sound of her name, both guys stopped wrestling and looked at me.

"What happened? Is she okay?" Soda asked, wiping grease off his forehead with a towel.

"I don't know. She dropped outta school and she's been in the cooler more than I have. I tried talkin' with her but she got all mad and walked away. Can you guys talk to her when she comes in for her shift? Maybe she'll listen to you," I asked. I was desperate at this point. I couldn't lose her.


Emily's POV

When I got to the DX for my shift, it was quiet so I was worried. Usually, Steve and Soda are wrestling or yellin' things at each other. I called out their names and then I saw them emerge from the garage. They looked all serious so I questioned them.

"Em, we've gotta talk," Steve said as he leaned against the wall, crossing his arms.

"Emily, what's goin' on?" Soda asked. I was takin' back my his question.

"W-what do you mean?" I stammered. Soda and Steve exchanged a glance before continuing.

"Look, Dally told us that he quit school. Plus, you've been in the cooler a whole lot. We all care about you a lot, especially Dally. We just want to make sure that you're okay. You know you can talk to us right?" Soda explained. I let the words sink in. I was hopin' that Dal would just let it go. I didn't realize that he'd tell the whole damn gang that I quit school.

"He really cares about you Emily. That's why he told us. And as far as I'm concerned, we're the only people he's told," Steve objected. Thinking out loud again. Good God I have to stop doing that. I thought about what both boys said. Maybe I should tell Dally why.

"Guys, I appreciate you talkin' to me. But this is something I have to talk about with Dal. Do y'all know where he is?"

"Probably down by the lot," Soda told me. I nodded and left the store, hoping that they wouldn't care that I was mission' my shift.


I got down to the lot and sure enough, Dally was sittin' on that old car bench, his feet kicked up and an unlit cigarette dangling between his lips. Before I changed my mind, I walked right up to him.

"Dal, there's something I have to tell you." He looked up and took the cigarette out of his mouth. I sat down next to him before he could say anything and began explaining. Explaining everything. Dal didn't even know that my mom walked out three months ago. One night she was there, the next morning...gone like the wind. Then my dad started drinking and he was an angry drunk. He'd throw things at me and yell profanities at me. Once he even hit me. It left a huge mark on my cheek, which I told Dally that I had gotten into a fight with a slut at school. As I explained everything, Dally listened intently. He rubbed my back lightly and pulled my body closer to him. Dally was silent for a moment before standing up.

"I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch," Dally said angrily, standing up and walking away. I jumped up and ran towards him, grabbing his arm and pulling him back.

"Dally please. This is why I didn't tell you. I knew you'd explode and do something crazy. Just please, stay here with me." My voice quivered at the end. I was never one to cry in front of people, especially not Dally, but I couldn't stop the tears that began freely flowing. Dally's shoulders dropped and he wrapped his muscular arms around me, enveloping me in his embrace.

"I'll never leave you," he whispered, kissing the top of my head. "Never."

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