Dally // @izzyquigley

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"What the hell is this?" I yelled at my brother, the pills in the bottle rattling against the side of the plastic bottle.

"It's not mine! I swear!" Mark yelled back.

"Then whose is if? Your stoner girlfriend? Your pothead buddies? Mark, what is the matter with you?" He just stared at me with his mouth agape and his eyes wide. "I'm going out and when I get back, everything you have hidden better be in a pile on the kitchen table," I said shakily as I slammed the pill bottle on his dresser. I grabbed my jacket and pack of smokes before slamming the door behind me.


Whenever I'm mad or upset about something, I always go straight to the lot. Why? I have absolutely no idea. Anyways, I got there and leaned against a tree, sliding down until I was sitting. I lit up one of the cigarettes and put it to my mouth, taking a drag and blowing smoke rings into the air. Dally had taught me how to do that. Speaking of which, I saw him walking by. Don't get me wrong, I love my boyfriend, but I just wasn't in the mood to be around anyone. I slowly moved myself out of sight but I was spotted.

"Izzy!" Dally called out, running up the slope to meet me. I sighed and put out my cigarette.

"Hey Dal." He leaned down and kissed me but I wasn't really feeling it. He pulled away and looked at me quizzically.

"Izzy, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," I grumbled, suddenly becoming interested in the ground beneath me.

"C'mon Izzy. Y'know you can tell me anythin'. Now, what is it?" he repeated, sitting down next to me.

"Dally, it's nothing!" I suddenly shouted. What didn't he get? I quickly stood up and wiped the dirt off the back of my pants. "I'll see you around." I continued walking down the hill towards the street. Someone grabbed my elbow and tugged me back, spinning me around.

"You're not going anywhere 'til you tell me what the hell happened!" Dally exclaimed. I ripped my arm back angrily.

"Alright. You wanna know what the hell is going on? Well, my baby brother is either doing drugs or he's a fucking drug dealer!" I yelled. It was then that it sunk in. I was all alone to deal with this. Both my parents had left me and Mark when I was fifteen and he was thirteen. It's been only us for three years. I thought he could trust me with anything. "My brother is a fucking drug dealer," I repeated, this time tears stinging my eyes. Dally pulled me into his arms and held me close while I silently cried.

"Look Izzy, I'll help you through this. We'll go talk to him together. Don't worry doll. Everything's gonna be alright."

Hope you like it @izzyquigley!

stay gold ,

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