Darry // @kneestofaces

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"Hi honey," I smiled as I walked into the Curtis household with an arm full of groceries. Darry was sitting at the table with his head in his hands. I dropped the groceries on the counters and walked over to him. "Baby what's wrong?" I asked as I rubbed my hands on his shoulders.

"There's so many damn bills," he sighed, standing up. "We're running out of money, even with Sodapop working full-time at the DX," he said angrily, pacing back and forth in the living room.

"Darry, is there anything I can do?" I asked gingerly.

"You know what you can do? Maybe you can get a job!" he yelled. I was taken back at first, but then I got angry.

"What do you mean get a job? You're the one who told me to go back to school, to focus on it! I was going to!"

"Maybe you shouldn't do what everyone says. Did you ever think of that?" I rolled my eyes and snatched the keys off the table.

"Don't even think of following me." I made sure to slam the door behind me as I stormed off to the truck.


As I sat at the bar with a beer in my hands, I reasoned with myself. Was he being like that because he was stressed? Or is that how he really feels? I couldn't figure out how to feel. I just could not believe that he had yelled at me like that! Not once in our two years of being together did he yell at me to that extent. I mean, we'd gotten into arguments like all couples did. But never that... angry.

I sighed and took another swig of my beer, not knowing what else to do. I heard the bell above the door ring, signaling that someone had entered the bar. My eyes stayed focused on the writing on the bottle in my hands.

"Gia," someone said quietly. I turned around and saw Darry standing by the door. I turned back to the bar and closed my eyes tightly. "Gia, listen to me," he said as he got closer. "I really didn't mean anything that I said. Its just that there's a lot on my plate right now and it's becoming too much. The stress is killing me, but I never meant for it to hurt you. Please Gia, talk to me."

I kept my eyes down but answered him. "I can get a job on the side if you need." My tone was so low that I could barely hear myself.

"I nee- want you to focus on your school. I want you to get a degree and get a real good job and actually go places. I want you to end up a hell of a lot better than me." I looked up at Darry and saw the hurt on his face. I put my beer down and quickly wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my face in his shoulder.

"The best place I could be is with you." Darry's hands glided across my back and he swiftly lifted my off the floor and into his arms.

"Let's get outta here," he smiled, kissing my forehead.

Hope you like it!

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