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"Johnny, I don't think this is a good idea," you say quietly as you clutch on to your boyfriend's arm. "What can possibly go wrong?" You start listing things and then Johnny quiets you by covering your mouth with his hand. "Kat, we'll be fine. You act like your brothers don't know nor like me." "No, it's not that. It's just... you know how protective they are of me! OhmyGod we're here, Johnny please don't make me-" He silenced you by brushing his lips against yours. He stroked your cheek with his thumb and then kissed your forehead. "Let's do this thing," he whispered before dragging you up the stairs. "Hey Johnny Cade what's up?" Ponyboy asked as Johnny walked in. "Katlyn! Where have you been?" Soda asked. "With Johnny..." you trail off. "With Johnny?" "Yeah, with Johnny," you say louder. "We're dating. We have been since February." (It was September now.) Ponyboy and Sodapop's jaws dropped. "Katlyn Curtis! Why didn't you tell us?" Soda said loudly standing up. "Hey don't yell at her. It was my idea not to tell you," Johnny says sternly, standing in front of you protectively. Johnny is always seen as the shy one, the quiet one. When in reality, he is the loudest, funniest person you know. All he needed was a little puppy love in his life. Whenever it came to you, he was really protective. That was one of the reasons you loved him so much. "Calm down Johnny. I'm happy for you guys but I wish I would've known!" Soda exclaimed, patting him on the shoulder before going into the kitchen. You looked over at Ponyboy who was grinning like an idiot. "I've wanted you guys to date since forever." [Lol Ponyboy ships you two ;)] "So, share all the details. How was the first date?" Johnny sat down in the big chair and you snuggled onto his lap as you two began to recount the joyful memories of the best seven months of your life.

:) I'm gonna post another because you can't stop me 😘 OH AND TOMORROW'S MY 14th BIRTHDAY!!!

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