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"Jule, I want you to come meet Dally's gang," your cousin Valerie says, dragging you out of your house. Dally is her boyfriend of three weeks and she feels the need for you to meet his gang. Okay then Val. She drags you about a two and a half blocks down the road until she halts in front of a rundown house. Sure, it needed some power washing and weed control, but it was cute. It had the aura of home. She pulled you right up the steps and opened the door. "Aren't you going to knock?" you ask, surprised at your cousin's strange behavior. "You don't have to," she shrugs, as if this is a common fact. You walk inside and are greeted by seven pairs of eyes. Dally gets up and walks to Valerie, kissing her. "Hey baby. This Julie?" She looks over at you and nods. "Hey Julie, I'm Dally." "I know. I've heard nothing but interesting things about you from Val." Valerie's cheeks redden and she slaps your arm playfully. The group laughs and you smile, already feeling welcomed. Dally introduces you to everyone but the one named Sodapop sticks out to you. Not just because he's handsome, but because he seems like a sweetheart. Valerie and Dally are off in their own couple world and you start talking with Soda and the rest of the gang. You get to know them all really well, but you really connect with Soda. For one, he's really funny. Not in a dirty way like a lot of the Greaser boys, but in a cute way. It's hard to explain. Anyhow, 11:00 p.m. rolls around and you have to get going because your curfew is 11:30. "Hey guys I gotta go. I'll see ya 'round," you say as you get up. Soda jumps up and says, "I'll walk you home." "Oh no Soda it's okay-" "No, I want to." You smile and you two walk outside. You get to your house and you turn to Soda. "Julie, I had a great time tonight. I was hoping that I could take you out for a Coke or something," he says quietly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sure. I'd like that. Tomorrow at seven?" Soda looks up and smiles, "That sounds great." You lean up and kiss his cheek. "Goodnight Sodapop." "Goodnight Julie."


It's 6:50 and you're only just finishing your hair. You still have to put your shoes on and collect your purse. As you're running around trying to find your wallet, the doorbell rings. You sigh and open it, instantly smiling when you see Soda standing there. "Hey Soda. I'm just trying to find my wallet, please come in." "It's okay, you don't need it. I got you," he says as he grabs your hand and pulls you outside. "Bye Mom!" you yell before the door closes. "Soda, you don't have to pay for me," you say as you climb into the truck. "But I want to," he grins, pulling out of your driveway. It's a short drive to the Dingo and soon you're there. You both sit down at the bar and order cokes and hamburgers. You tell Soda all about yourself and he tells you about himself. Half the time you're laughing like crazy. He just brings out this inner child in you and you love it. Before you know it you're getting out to go inside your house. "Listen Julie, I had a great time tonight. I haven't been this happy in a long time so I was, uh, I was wondering if you would be my girl?" You're shocked but excited at the same time. "Of course I will." Soda grins like a little kid in a candy store. Then he does something that surprises you. He leans forward and presses his lips to yours. You smile against his lips and wrap your arms around his neck. The perfect end to the perfect night.

Author's Note

I was just cleaning up my computer and found a couple imagines so I thought, why not post them? I'm also in the midst of MAJOR updating on my Soda fanfic. MAJOR. So yeah. I'll probably post two or three more.



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