Two-Bit // @ooooutsiders_80s

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Two-Bit imagine for @ooooutsiders_80s. I'm sorry I know this is crap so if you don't like it just let me know!

"Rain rain, go away. Come again another day. If you don't, I don't care. I'll make out with Sarah all day," Two-Bit sung, throwing his arm around my shoulder, chocolate milk splashing out of the cup he was holding. It landed on the couch and I "oohed" in response.

"Darry's gonna kill you," I taunted as I laughed at Two-Bit's attempt to wipe the milk off.

"Aren't you gonna help?" he pleaded, looking up at me with his beautiful eyes. I looked up towards the ceiling in thought.




"You know if I were a stranger who'd just walked in off the street, I'd have no clue y'all were dating," Steve said loudly as he came into the living room.

"Really? I thought we sounded like a loving couple now-a-days. It's what my folks say to each other," I pointed out as Two-Bit left to throw out the chocolate milk-stained napkin. While I waited for Two-Bit to come back, I sat by the window and watched the rain pour down. I could barely see outside with the amount of rain pouring down. Although I hated rain because playing sports was impossible, it was fun to be with Two-Bit and the gang. As much as we joked around, I really did love him.

"Whatcha thinkin' about gorgeous?" Two-Bit asked as he slid next to me.

"Just things."

"Anything I'd be interested in?"

"Not 'til later," I smirked, lacing my fingers with his. Two-Bit returned my mischievous smile and kissed my temple.

"Wanna see what's on TV?" he asked. I nodded, unsure of what else to do on such a glum day. I followed Two-Bit to the couch where he sat down first He stretched his entire body across the couch, leaving no room for me. But before I could complain, he grabbed my hand and pulled me on top of him. "Just relax," he whispered, stroking my dark hair. I did as he asked and relaxed to the steady beating of his heart.

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