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"A 'B'? You got a 'B'? And you think that's acceptable? Now you'll NEVER get through college. And I have to spend my hard-earned money to send you away. Great. Just great," your mother yells, throwing your essay in the trash.

"HARD EARNED? All you do is answer phone calls! Dad does all the work Ma!" you yell back.

"Room. Now. You're grounded for the next month, no friends. and certainly no boyfriend. Kiss bye-bye to Darrel, because you're through with him," she says. Tears prick your eyes. You turn and run to your room, slamming the door behind you. Before you know it, you've packed a bag of clothes and are climbing out the window of your room. Next stop? Darry.


You knock on the door, and soon Soda opens it. "Cece! What's up?" he asks.

"Is Darry home?" you ask.

"Yeah, he's in his room... why? Ciara, what's wrong?" You sniffle and reply 'nothing', running into Darry's room. He's folding laundry when you open the door. You drop your bag when he looks at you and then you jump into hid arms.

"Darry," you sob. "My mom said that I have to break up with you." He's rubbing your back when he replies,

"So?" You pull your head out of his shoulder and lock eyes.

"Who cares what she says! Look, you're technically an adult now, 18 years old," he starts as he sits on his bed. He pulls you onto his lap and your wrap your arms around his neck and rest your head on his shoulder. "Cece, I've wanted to ask you this for awhile. Soda and Ponyboy agree with me, they thing it's the right thing for us. Ciara Miller, will you live with us?" he asks, stroking your hair.

"Of course I will. I love you so much Darrel Curtis," you smile before you press your lips to his. He falls back to the bed and you continue kissing him. All of a sudden the door creaks open and you pull away, hiding your face in Darry's chest.

"I guess she said yes...?" Sods trails off. You laugh and Darry nods his head, shooing Soda out of the room. The door closes and Darry gets up to lock it. "Now. Where were we?"


Last Darry imagine I've written so far : (

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