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"Mom, I'm not crying, why are you?" you ask your tearing mother as she looks at you in the mirror. "It's just that you're so grown up and beautiful. I can't believe that my little girl is getting married already," she sighs. "Momm, I'm 23! I'm not really a little girl anymore!" Then your mom gives the whole 'in my eyes you are' speech. Then your maid of honor, Rachel, sticks her head in the room. "It's starting Y/n," she says and the leaves the room. "I'll go get your father. Don't fall like I did honey," your mom says as she wipes her tears. You laugh and tell her that you'll try not to. She leaves and then your dad walks in. "You looks so beautiful Y/n. Ponyboy is one lucky man I tell you." You blush and admire your floor length mermaid gown. There are little jewels on the bodice, and white lace all throughout. There's a silver tiara in your curled hair. You have to admit, you do look pretty good. All of a sudden, you hear the music start to play, and you know it's time. You grab your dad's arm and he walks you to the room. "You ready buttercup?" "Ready as I'll ever be." The doors open and your eyes immediately search for Pony. You find him in the front near Soda and Rachel. All you want to do is run up and kiss him, but then that kinda ruins the whole dramatic 'here comes the bride' thing. So you deal with it as you walk down the aisle. You and Pony never break eye contact. He just looks so handsome in that tux. It's finally time for your dad to let go and to send you off to Pony. You let go if your dad and reach out for Ponyboy, who grabs your hand instantaneously. The minister says all that he needs to say and then lets Ponyboy say his vows. He talks about how you met and what he thought of you. How you helped him so much through everything. But the best part is the last part "Nature's first green is gold. Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower, but only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to lead. And Eden sank to grief. Dawn goes down to day. Nothing good can stay, but you my darling. Y/n, you are gold and you always will be. I love you." You are crying by then. This is the man you love. And today is finally the day that you can call him yours forever. 'You know what Robert Frost, some things gold CAN stay,' you think to yourself before you start your vows.

Personally, I really like this one : )

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