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Ponyboy's POV

How could I do that? How could I be so stupid as to let her go that easily? I thought to myself as I walked around town, heading towards the lot. It was stupid. I didn't mean to let her kiss me like that. I honestly thought that she was Carly. If I had known that it was really Lisa, I would of pushed her away in a heartbeat. "Damnit Ponyboy," I cursed at myself, kicking a rock across the road. I reached into my sweatshirt pocket to grab a smoke but then I realized I had none. Again, I cursed at myself for not buying more. Now I needed one more than ever and I had no money with me. So, I took a pit stop at Buck's to grab a pack. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I borrowed one. You see, after Dally and Johnny died, I got pretty close with Buck. Now that Soda's off at Vietnam with Steve and Darry's been working extra-long, I've resorted to hanging out at Buck's with Two-Bit. Buck was like an older brother to me now. Just as I rounded the corner, I saw the fuzz pulling up. I guess there was a fight or something because there was a couple of guys on the ground and some broken beer bottles too. There goes my pack of smokes. I continued walking, hoping to find some relief in something.

After walking for an hour, I realized that I would never find relief because I love her too much. Nothing will be able to replace the feeling of her hand in mine and her warm lips pressed against my own. Or her beautiful voice reading to me at night when I would be too tired to read myself. Nothing would ever be the same without her. I stopped at the lot when I thought that my feet were gonna fall off from so much walking. I sat down on an old stump that had always been there. Don't ask me why a tree grew in a lot, but it did. All of a sudden, I heard my name being called out. I turned my head to the right and saw Two-Bit walking over, the usual can of beer in his hand.

"What's wrong Pony?" he asked. I was surprised that he wasn't drunk. Yet, that is. Two-Bit sat down next to me.

"I really screwed up man." Two-Bit looked over at me.

"What'd ya do kid?"

"I accidently kissed Lisa and Carly saw the whole thing and I didn't even try to stop her. Goddamnit Two-Bit, I really messed this up!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air. Two-Bit just looked at the ground. He was never good with girls OR advice. But it was okay. "Hey Two, by any chance, do you have any smokes?" Two-Bit reached into his pockets and pulled out a pack with some matches as well.

"Just swiped it today. You're lucky." I thanked him and pulled a cancer stick out, lighting up. I put it in my mouth and felt better instantly. I don't know why, but the nicotine always calms me down.

"What am I gonna do Two-Bit? I can't lose her too," I said, my voice quivering as my body rocked back and forth, trying to deal with the pain. Suddenly, I heard my name being called. But quietly. So that only I could hear it. I looked up and saw Carly standing about thirty feet from me, her mascara running down her soft cheeks and her hair blowing in the breeze. "Carly?" I whispered. Two-Bit patted me on the back and said, "Go get her kid." I threw my cigarette on the ground and began running towards her. She began running as well and as soon as she was close enough she jumped into my arms.

"I'm sorry Pony I over-reacted," she cried into my shoulder. "

No, no don't be sorry babe. It's not your fault at all. It's mine for being an absolute douche. Can you forgive me?" I asked as I smoothed down her hair.

"That's why I'm here. I couldn't live without you, not even for a second Ponyboy Curtis." She responded as she pulled her head out of my shoulder, her legs still wrapped around my waist. My hand was still on the back of her head, not wanting to let go. "I love you Carly," I said quietly, looking deep into her beautiful eyes. It was the first time either of us had said it, but it was true. I loved her with my whole being. Now I understood what Soda meant when he described being in love with Sandy as 'real nice.' She simply smiled. "I love you too." Then I kissed her and knew right then that everything was going to be all right.

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