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You take one last glance in your mirror and adjust your dress. If you don't look perfect tonight, there will be a serious problem. Today is the two year anniversary with your boyfriend, Sodapop Curtis. All he told you to do in preparation was to look pretty. So that's what you do.

"Tori, Soda's here!" your dad calls from the living room. You smile to yourself and run out of the bedroom. Standing in the doorway was Soda, dressed in his usual jeans and plaid shirt, but something about him tonight makes your knees weak and your heart throb. His eyes widen when he sees you and you continue to walk gracefully down the stairs to meet him.

"T-tori, you look amazing," he stutters. You giggle and reply, "You don't look so bad yourself." He smiles and then you bid goodbye to your parents and follow Soda out to Darry's truck, which he was borrowing until Steve finished fixing his. "Are you ready for the best night of your life?" Soda asks as he grabs your hand.

"You betcha," you smirk.


Soda takes you out to dinner at a really nice restaurant and then he blindfolds you.

"Soda, where are we going?" you ask as he starts the car.

"Somewhere special." You can picture that silly grin on his face. The two of you drive for about twenty minutes and then you hear the engine stop. Soda gets out and opens your door for you. He helps you out and leads you to wherever he has in mind. "You can take off the blindfold Tori," he says. You gently untie it and you are speechless by the sight. You are standing in the park where you two met exactly two years ago, but there's something a little different. There are rose petals scattered all around you and candles as well. The sun was just about set so the candles were providing the dominant light. When you look back at Soda, he's on one knee, with a little black box in his hand. Before you can say anything, Soda starts talking. He talks about when you first met and every other little thing you've done together. You're surprised he remembers so much.

"...after all we've been through, I can't possibly imagine continuing through life without you by my side. So, Tori, will you do me the honor of marrying me?" Tears are collecting in the corners of your eyes.

"Yes," you say softly at first. But then a huge grin creeps on to your face and you say it louder. "Yes, Sodapop Curtis, I will marry you."

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