Johnny // @once_upon_a_time13

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"Dally, I'm going to the Curtis's!" I called to my brother. Dally appeared at the top of the stairs.

"Wearing that?" he questioned. I looked down at my outfit. I was wearing denim shorts, a plain blue tank top, a flannel around my waist and my converse.

"Yes?" I responded, wondering why this outfit was so bad.

"Don't you think the shorts are too short?"


"Whatever. I'll be over there soon." I nodded and jogged out the front door.


When I got to the Curtis's, Ponyboy and Johnny were sitting on the front porch and Steve and Soda were wrestling in the front yard. I stepped around Steve and Soda and went up the porch to Johnny and Pony.

"Hey Bella," Johnny said, looking up at me. I smiled and felt my cheeks heat up.

"Hi Johnnycake." I had been had been harboring a growing crush on Johnny Cade ever since I met him. The only person who knew was Ponyboy and I made him swear to never tell anyone else. If Dally found out, he'd skin me alive. I sat down next to Johnny on the porch and watched Steve and Soda roll around like a bunch of idiots.

"They been doing this for a while?"

"Yup. And neither of 'em are ever gonna win," Johnny answered. I laughed and pushed my brown hair behind my ear.


I had been at the Curtis's all day and now we were all hanging at the lot. Everyone wanted to play football but Johnny and I decided just to watch.

"So Bella, can I, uh, ask you somethin'?"

"Anything," I smiled.

"Well, I was, uh, I was wonderin' if maybe you wouldn't mind goin' out sometime?" I looked over at Johnny to see if he was bein' serious or not.

"Really?" That's all I could manage to get out. Good one, Bella.

"I mean, if you don't want to..."

"No. I'd love to!" I said, a bit too excitedly. Johnny grinned like a little kid on Christmas.

"Really? Oh man that's great? Wanna go to dinner and then the drive-in Friday night?"'

"It'd make me the happiest girl alive," I grinned. Johnny was about to say something but the game had just finished so the gang was running over. I tried to hide my smile but it was nearly impossible.

"Who won?" Johnny asked, putting his hands in his pockets, a grin also plastered to his adorable face.

"Darry's team of course," Soda scoffed. I laughed and pushed my hair back and out of my face.

"I don't even know why yous play 'cause ya know Darry always wins," I pointed out.

"You ready to go back Bella? You got school tomorrow," Dally said as he ruffled my hair. I nodded.

"I'll see ya later! See you Friday Johnny," I said cheerfully as I walked down the road next to Dally. After we were a good amount away from the gang, Dally started talking again.

"Where you goin' with Johnny on Friday. Not a date I hope," he said.

"Well, yeah actually. Why? You love Johnny!"

"But I love you more. You're my baby sister. I don't want you screwin' around with any greasers," he shot back, kicking a rock.

"I'm not 'screwing around'! It's Johnny for God's sake. He's not gonna hurt me Dally! That kid couldn't hurt a damn fly, let alone me. Please Dallas," I shouted, suddenly getting angry and upset.

"I ain't changin' my mind. No means no Bella."

"Goddamnit Dallas," I yelled, turning around and running in the opposite direction.

"Hey! Where are you going!" he yelled at me.

"Away from you!"


I ran right to the Curtis's, where I knew Johnny would be. He was walking back towards his house.

"Johnny!" I called, tears stabbing my eyes. He turned around and looked worried when he saw me running towards him.

"Bella! What's wrong?" he asked, walking towards me. I ran right into his arms, knocking him back a lil' bit. "Belle, what happened?"

"D-dally won't l-let me s-see you," I choked out, my head nestled in his neck.

"It's okay Bella. He'll come around. I promise you," he comforted me, running my back gently. "I promise."

I hope you like it!!! @once_upon_a_time13

stay gold,

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