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It was just another day in the life of you and Soda. One day you were cleaning the house. Soda was doing Lord knows what upstairs. But you heard him singing. He wasn't very good, but then not many guys in Tulsa were. You thought it was cute. Well, anything he did was cute at this point in time. But what made it extra-cute was that he was singing your guys' song. "Look at the stars,

Look how they shine for you,

And everything you do,

Yeah, they were all yellow.

I came along,

I wrote a song for you,

And all the things you do,

And it was called "Yellow"." You couldn't help but giggle. After composing yourself, you continued cleaning. All of a sudden, you heard a chirp. Confused, you looking around the chair and saw a cricket sitting there, chirping. You had a humongous fear of bugs. You screamed a little, jumping back in fear. Soda must have heard you scream because he came thumping down the stairs. "Brie? Brie where are you? What's wrong?" Soda said fretfully. "Soda, t-there's a big c-c-c-ricket," you said quietly. Soda came running in. He saw you and breathed a sigh of relief realizing that you were okay. "What's wrong princess?" You said nothing, only pointing to the big bug on the ground. Soda left and came back with a plastic cup and a magazine. You moved out of the way while Soda went to grab it. In one swift motion he got the cricket in the cup and put the magazine on top. You sighed in relief but then gasped when Soda turned to you with a mischevious look on his face. "You wouldn't dare," you said, shocked that he would think of it. "Try me," h winked. On that note, you turned on your heel and ran out of your tiny house, with Soda chasing after you. "SODA PUT THE BUG DOWN!" you screeched as you ran down the street. "MAKE ME!" he yelled back. You laughed and kept running down the street. Soda was too fast and eventually caught up with you. He then 'threw' the bug at you when, in reality, he had gotten rid of it as soon as he left the house. Thinking that he had thrown a live cricket at you, you screamed at the top of your lungs. When you felt nothing hit you youo turned arounf and saw Soda laughing his head off. "Sodapop Curtis!" you squeaed. "Y-y-yes Brielle Catherine?" he managaed to get out in between laughs. "I cannot believe you did that!" Soda kept laughing, leaning up against a neighbor's fence for support. You huffed, crossed your arms, and began walking back towards your house. Once you got inside you locked the door and continued cleaning. Soon enough, you heard the doorknob jiggle. Then you heard knocking at the door. "Brie?" "Yes Sodapop?" "You're not mad at me are you?" "I'm not sure. I'll let you know in an hour." "Can you let me in?" "I'll let you know in an hour." You heard a groan come for the next hour you finished cleaning and even jumped in the shower, as well as blow drying/curling your hair in the process. When you were all done, it was dark out. At 8:15ish, you unlocked the door and opened it, leaning against the door frame. Soda was sitting on the swing you have on the porch. When he heard the door open he popped up and walked over to you. You smiled when you saw his grin. "Have you learned your lesson?" you asked. "I think I have," Soda smirked. You smiled and he leaned forward and kissed you. Your knees turned weak, like they do everytime he kisses you. After pulling away you grabbed his shirt and pulled him into the house for a night of cuddling, laughs, and true love.///


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