Johnny // @Fallen_Angel200

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"Citlalli, I'm leaving for the Curtis's!" my older brother, Dally, yelled.

"Coming!" I yelled back. I abandoned the mirror I had been staring at for ten minutes, turned off my small lamp and clobbered down the stairs.. Dally was already halfway down the street when I stepped outside. Impatient bastard. But I was kind of thankful for that. I was so nervous for today. From the moment I woke up this morning, my hands had been shaking like crazy and my heart beating unhealthily fast. But I had no choice. Today was the day. If I didn't tell Johnny today, I might never do it.


Johnny and Ponyboy were sitting on the front porch when I got there. Dally had already gone inside. When Johnny saw me, his eyes lit up and he smiled. It was rare that he smiled but when he did, it was the most beautiful smile. Because he had so much hurt in his life, every ounce of happiness in his soul radiated through his imperfectly perfect grin.

"Hey Johnny. Hey Pony." Pony waved and took another drag of his cigarette but Johnny hopped off the porch and practically ran over to greet me. He pulled me into a hug and lightly kissed the top of my head. Johnny was always quite shy and didn't like kissing me in front of people, even Ponyboy, but his hugs were my favorite anyway. I got so wrapped up in his embrace that I nearly forgot to be nervous. God, I love him so much.

"How are you beautiful?" he asked after pulling away.

"Surviving," I weakly smiled, becoming anxious again. We walked up to the porch and Johnny sat back down, but I continued standing. I looked at the ground for awhile before talking again. "Hey Pony, can I talk to Johnny for a minute? Alone?" He looked at me and dropped his cigarette to the ground before stepping on it with his sneaker.

"Sure thing," he replied as he walked up the steps and into the house. I looked at Johnny but couldn't look at him too long without feeling the need to run away and never come back.

"C, what's wrong?" Johnny asked as he grabbed my hands, concern lacing his angelic voice.

"Johnny, I-I don't know how to tell you this." He rubbed his thumbs over the back of my hands, in a way saying Go on. "Johnny...I'm pregnant." The whole time I kept my eyes locked on my feet, but I felt Johnny's thumbs stop moving.

"Who's?" he finally asked after a good five minutes. I looked up and weakly tried to smile.

"Yours." He let go of my hands and ran his fingers through his long, greasy black hair. "Look, I'd understand if you want to leave. Its a lot and we're pretty young and-"

"Citlalli, stop. I'm not leaving you. We'll get through this, I promise." He grabbed a hold of me and pulled me onto his lap. He lifted my chin up with his finger and made me make eye contact. But before he nor I said anything, he pressed his lips to mine and I forgot about it all. His kisses were always soft and gentle but full of passion. Like him.

When we pulled away, I smiled and leaned against his shoulder. "Johnny, how are we going to tell Dally?" He hesitated before answering.

"I'm not sure, but I know that that we'll get through it and we'll be okay. Just like always."

I'm sorry that this seriously sucks but I wasn't sure where to go with it. I hope you like it and if not, I can try again!



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