Johnny // @sj13396

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Stacey's POV
I couldn't be in the same room as Johnny without stealing glances at him. I'd known Johnny ever since he joined the gang, but for about a year I had been developing feelings for him. He was so shy and elusive and I wanted to know more about him. What he was really like. Not to mention the fact that he was absolutely adorable! With his shaggy hair and puppy-dog eyes... he was all I ever wanted in a man.

Currently, the whole gang was gathered around the television, mesmerized by some silly cartoon. I am sitting on the couch, curled up under a blanket with a book in my lap. But, Johnny is attracting my eyes more than the book. His eyes suddenly flicker in my direction and my attention is redirected, but I'm pretty sure that he caught me staring. Damn.

When the next commercial hits the screen, everyone scurries to the kitchen for food/drinks and Pony and Johnny head outside.

"Where y'all goin'?" I ask. I want in.

"Just to have a smoke," Pony replies, a little too quickly. I raise my eyebrows at him but go back to actually reading my book, now that Johnny is no longer in the room.


Ponyboy's POV

Johnny and I sat down on the porch and I lit a cigarette.

"What is it Johnny?" I asked in between drags.

"Well, I... Oh man, I don't know if I can tell you."

"Yes you can! Come on Johnny."

"Okay don't tell anyone but... I like Stacey. I really like her man." I almost choked on the smoke. "Now, don't be mad at me..." I chuckled.

"I ain't mad Johnny Cade. Just, how come you never talk to her?"

"Well, I just get so nervous every time I talk to her. She's so beautiful, you know? I always get lost in her beautiful brown eyes and... man, this is probably weird for you. Her being your sister and all." I shrugged.

"Wouldn't be the first time. People talk to me about my siblings all the time. But come on, let's go back inside. I bet the movies on." I stomped out my cancer stick but just before I went inside, Johnny said, "Thanks for not saying nothing." I nodded and smiled to myself. Time for Pony to get his matchmaker on, I thought to myself.


Stacey's POV

*Two weeks later*

The whole gang was heading down to the field to play a game of football so I thought I'd tag along. It was too nice a day to be wasted inside. I grabbed a new book (I had finished the other) and began walking the short distance to the field with everyone. I was walking in between Soda and Pony when Soda suddenly had to tell Pony something. That left me alone with Johnny. He wasn't saying anything so I wasn't sure I should. It was a bit awkward until Johnny finally piped up.

"So did you finish that giant book yet?" I smiled at the ground because he noticed that I was no longer carrying it around.

"Yeah. It was good but man, I thought that thing would never end!" I joked, trying to make him laugh. Indeed, it worked. He chuckled and shoved his hands in his pockets. Pony then came back but walked besides Johnny, keeping us next to each other. I tried to kill him with a glare but he wouldn't look at me. Eventually, we made it to the field. I sat down on the ground and opened my book as the boys started making the teams. I kept reading my book as I heard Darry calling a play and Steve yelling "Hike!" I decided to look up, for whatever reason, and saw the football sailing towards me. I screamed like a young child and covered my head with my arms. All of a sudden, I felt a body mass push me to the ground. I uncovered my eyes after I hit the ground and looked up to see Johnny on top of me. We looked into each others eyes for a little too long. I think Johnny realized because he quickly climbed off of me and kept saying "Sorry." He helped me up and without thinking I hugged him.

"Thanks Johnny, you just saved me a black eye or a broken nose," I said with a nervous laugh. My skin was still tingling from his soft and gentle touch and I could barely breathe.

"It was no trouble," he said shyly back. He started heading back to the field but then abruptly turned around and came back to me. Before I could react, his lips were against mine. I melted like butter over a flame into his chest as his hands cupped my face. When we pulled away for air, the gang was whistling and hollering like absolute hooligans. "I'm really sorry Stacey, I-I don't know what got into me. I-" I cut him off by gently brushing my lips against his, yet again. When I opened my eyes, Johnny was grinning like a kid on Christmas. I grinned back, overjoyed that I made him feel that way.





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