Dally // @thegreaserchick

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"Dally, can you stop staring at every girl that walks by?" I snapped. His arm was slung around my shoulder but he pulled it back to his side.

"Maria, can you stop nagging everything I do?" he replied, mocking my tone of voice. I scoffed and rolled my eyes at him.

"Why the hell are you guys even dating? All you do is fight." Two-Bit said suddenly. That shut both of us up. We did fight all the time, but then at night we'd forget why we were fighting and have fun.

"Gee, I know why they're still dating.." Sunshine pointed out. She was my best friend and my twin brother, Darry's, girl. I shoved her shoulder in an indirect way of saying Shut the hell up. Dally and I glanced at each other and kept walking. After a long and quiet walk, we arrived at Dally and I's place.

"Look, we'll see y'all tomorrow I guess," I announced as I walked up the steps to the apartment. Dally was still talking to Two-Bit and Steve so I went into our bedroom and changed into my pajamas. I was already lying in bed reading a book when Dally came in. "Hey," I said, not looking up from my book.

"Maria, I'm sorry about before," he apologized, sitting next to me on the bed. I put down my book and lifted my hand to the side of his face, rubbing my thumb on his cheek.

"It's alright. But Two-Bit was right. We've got to stop fighting all the time. It can't be healthy." Dally rolled his eyes and I smiled. "Okay now go get changed because you're grossing me out." Dally got up and slipped his shirt off. I tried to read my book but I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. He was just pulling up his pants when I stood up and walked over to him. "One more time, for old times sake?" I smirked, trailing my fingers down his bare chest.

"Hell yeah baby," he replied, pushing me onto the bed.


The next few weeks went by with only a few small arguments. But altogether, our fighting had stopped. We were happier around each other, which made the gang as a whole happier too. We were hanging out at Darry's place one night. All of us were playing poker except for Ponyboy and Johnny, who were out at the lot or something. Beers had been involved and mostly everyone was drunk, except for Soda. He didn't like drinking but still acted as goofy as the rest of us. At some point or another, Dally and I ended up in the guest bedroom. I was in an over-sized shirt and Dally was in his boxers.

"Hey Dally?" I asked, rolling over to look at him.

"Yeah baby?"

"I think I love you," I mumbled, the alcohol acting as a truth serum.

"You know, I think I might love you too." We shared a smile and Dally pressed his lips against mine. "Goodnight doll," Dally sighed, falling into the pillow and drifting off immediately. I followed him after snuggling beneath the covers.


The next morning, I wasn't woken by the sun or Dally shaking my shoulder. I was woken by the overwhelming feeling of nausea. I jumped out of bed and sprinted to the bathroom. I was bent over the toilet throwing up the contents of my stomach when Dally burst in.

"Holy shit Maria," he exclaimed, although it was early and it was just more of a statement. HIs voice was raspy and would've been sexy if it weren't for the fact that my head was in a toilet. He pulled back my long black hair and held it as I continued to retch into the toilet. It finally stopped when my stomach was empty. I rinsed my mouth out with water until the taste was almost gone. Dally followed me down the stairs and into the kitchen where I poured myself a glass of water. "Babe you okay?" Dally asked, leaning against the counters, opposite to me.

"Yeah, I feel fine. It might have been the drinking yesterday." Dally nodded and began to walk back towards the bedroom when I stopped him. "Or it could be..."

"Maria, don't say it."

"Dally it's possible!" He sighed and rubbed his forehead. "We'll go to the doctor's later today. But I'm going to bed."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming," he mumbled, following me up the stairs.


"I'll be right back with your results. You can get changed into your clothes and I'll send your husband in," the doctor smiled. I didn't bother correcting her. When the door closed I slipped off the wretched gown and into my outfit of the day. Just as I pulled my shirt over my head Dally stepped in.

"No, no. Leave it off," he joked.

"Haha. You're so funny Dallas Winston." He smirked and pulled me against his chest, leaning down to connect our lips. "Dal, do you remember what you said last night?" He shook his head. "You said that you thought you loved me." He smiled and kissed me again.

"Oh yeah. I think that I still might." I smiled again and kissed him one last time before the doctor came in.

"Awe, young love," the doctor smiled. "So, are you ready for the results?" I nodded eagerly and Dally's grip on my waist tightened. "Well...you're pregnant! Here's a brochure on pregnancy and I've scheduled your next appointment a month from now. Congratulations!" She was so cheerful. How? After she left the room, Dally and I stayed in the same position.

"Well fuck." Dally finally said, but it was quiet and I almost didn't hear him.

I turned around to face him. My hands cupped his face while I talked. "Just another roadblock, right?" He shrugged. "As long as I've got you, I'm okay. You aren't gonna leave me like your dad left your mom right?" He shook his head and leaned his forehead against mine.

"I'm here until the end baby."




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