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"Dal, can we please do something?" you ask your boyfriend for the eighth time in the past twenty minutes. He stops fiddling with your hair and you sit up from lying on his lap. "What do you want to do then?" You ponder that thought. What do you want to do?" "Umm, want to go see what's going on at the Curtis's?" Dally gets up and walks to the phone. "I'll call them while you go get dressed." You smile and then run to the bedroom you two share. You change out of your sweatpants and slip on denim shorts. It's not that hot today so you decide on a black t-shirt with the Punisher logo in the middle. You put your long straight hair in a ponytail and tie up your converse, and you're ready to go. Dally is waiting by the door for you. He smiles when he sees your shirt. The Punisher is his favorite Marvel superhero, as well as yours. "C'mon, the boys are playing football. They told us to meet them at the field," he says, extending his hand to you. You grab it, happy to be finally doing something fun with your favorite person


"The love-birds have arrived!" Steve yells as you get out of the car. You simply roll your eyes and grab Dally's hand again. You guys took so long that they had already decided teams. It was Darry, Pony, Steve and you against Soda, Two-Bit, Johnny, and Dally. Dal's upset that he's not on your team, but he's happy when he's assigned to guard you. "1, 2, 3, HIKE!" Darry yells. You run left and up the line, just as you were told. Dally's following you and trying to figure out your strategy at the same time. You suddenly sprint to the right and Darry throws the ball to you. You start running toward the end zone and you're almost there when an arm wraps around your waist and your pulled to the ground. You never let go of the football though. You look up to see your attacker and your eyes lock with the big brown ones you fell for. "Hi Dally," you giggle. "Hey Katie," he says before he leans down to kiss you.

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