Ponyboy // @Pastel_hearts15

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Ponyboy imagine for @Pastel_hearts15! Hope you like it!

"Mom, I'm going out!" I called out as I stepped through the front door. I was going to the library to study, but more so to see my crush.
Ponyboy Curtis. He was smart, sweet, athletic, not to mention really cute. He was always at the library after school. Usually he was reading, sometimes writing, an sometimes studying. He also helps me with science because we're in the same class at school. When I walked through the large doors, I spotted him in the big chair, his head in a book. I smiled to myself and sat down at the table, relatively close to Ponyboy. I pulled out my books and started looking through my notes.


I kept glancing over at Ponyboy every couple minutes. I swear, he got cuter every time. After a while of flipping through my notes and being thoroughly confused, I got the nerve to ask Pony if he could help out. I straightened my top, smoothed down my black hair, and walked over to him.

"Hey Ponyboy," I smiled at him.

"Oh hey Kristi," he grinned, closing his book and sitting up straighter.

"I was studying for our science test tomorrow and I'm really confused about the whole chromosome thing. I was wondering if you could help me out?" I finally got out.

"Oh sure! It's actually pretty easy once you get the dividing down," he said as he stood up and walked with me back to my table.


The way Ponyboy explained it made understanding it so much easier. I finished the study guide quickly, with his help, and we talked for a little bit. It was getting late so I had to pack up. My mom would be expecting me to come back and make dinner soon.

"You like to read right?" Pony asked. I nodded. He pulled a paperback book out of his back pocket. "I just finished this and I thought you'd really like it." He handed me the book and I took it.

"Gone With the Wind? I've been dying to read this! Thank you so much Ponyboy," I squealed. I was so excited that I didn't even realize that I had hugged him. I pulled away and pushed my hair behind my ear. Ponyboy cleared his throat. "I've got to get going but, uh, thank you," I said quietly, shifting my weight back and forth.

"Oh yeah, me too. I'll see you later Kristi," he smiled before jogging down the steps and down the street. I watched him I'm a non-creepy way for a little before going in the opposite direction, towards my house. As I was walking home, I started flipping through the pages. A piece of paper fell out and flittered down the ground. I picked it up and flipped it over to read the writing on it.

I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out sometime? I'll treat you real nice like the southern gentlemen in the story. Give me a call when you get this note.
-Ponyboy Curtis

I bit my lip to keep from screaming at the top of my lungs. Before I know what was happening, I had changed direction and was walking towards Ponyboy's house to say yes.

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