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You've had a crush on Darry Curtis ever since freshman year. He was smart, funny, sweet, kind, athletic and not to mention handsome. What more could you ask for in a guy? The whole school knew that you liked him, except for Darry himself. Your friends kept urging you to actually talk to him, but you always argued that he didn't know you existed. You were kind of an... what's the word... awkward person so you ended up avoiding Darry everywhere you saw him. Then one day your friend managed to get you to come to the game Friday night. Darry was the star running back, so you knew he would be there. You dolled yourself all pretty in school colors and then met your friends at the football field. As soon as you got in the bleachers, your eyes searched for Darry. You found him almost immediately. It seemed as if he was looking at you, but you pushed the thought to the side. Darry didn't even know who you were.

"Y/n," your friend called, waving her hand in front of your face, "the game's starting." You moved your gaze to the field and saw everyone jogging on.

"Come on Darry, you can do this," you whispered quietly. If only he could have heard you say that.


The game was great. Your school won 35-14. Darry did an amazing job as always. You were walking back to your car when you ran into someone. Actually, it felt more like you ran into a brick wall. You fell back onto the ground and soon tasted blood.

"I'm so sorry about that," you heard a deep voice say. You look up and see none other than Darry Curtis himself holding his hand out to you. You blushed and grabbed it. Darry pulled you up and then his eyes focused on your lip. "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to make you bleed," he apologized. You put your finger to your lips and then drew it back, seeing red all over.

"No, no it's my fault for not watching where I was going. Great game tonight by the way," you reply. Darry smiles.

"Thanks. You're y/n right?" OhmyGod, he knows my name, you think to yourself.

"Y-yeah, that's me," you stutter. You hear Darry's buddies calling him. He looks at them and then to you.

"I gotta go but I'll see you around right?"

"Yeah, I hope so," you reply. Darry smiles and then jogs off to his friends. You aren't able to wipe that grin off your face for the rest of the night.

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