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You shrugged on Dally's old leather jacket and then looked at yourself in the mirror. You didn't look good. You hadn't looked good for three months. Today marks three months since your best friend, boyfriend, and soul mate died. You were going down to the cemetery with the gang to visit his and Johnny's graves. You were the one who decided to have them buried next to each other. That's how Dally would have wanted it. You tied up your boots and then walked out the door to meet the gang, who were waiting outside your house. "Hi guys," you said quietly, walking with your head down and your lips taut. It was the only way you could keep them from quivering. "Hey Brie, are you sure you want to go?" Sodapop asked. You nodded. "I have to," you squeaked. Everyone piled into Darry's pickup truck. It was much easier to fit everyone now. The ten minute drive to the cemetery was silent. The only sound to be heard was the engine. Finally, you pulled up and everyone got out. Steve wrapped his arm around your shoulder and you felt a little more comforted. But nothing would be able to comfort you as much as Dally did ever again. You walked slowly to the headstones and no one really knew what to do. Ponyboy broke down crying as soon as he saw Johnny's. Soda and Darry tried to comfort him and Two-Bit looked pained. Ever since their deaths, Two-Bit had lost his sense of humor. He was always upset; mad at the world for taking away his best friends. He had also become very protective of you, as if you were his younger sister. Ponyboy was failing classes, Darry was working harder than ever, and Steve and Sodapop tried their best to keep everyone in check. You had lost the appeal to do anything. No one questioned it when you dropped out of school. You stopped eating and drinking, resulting in a ten- pound weight loss. You weren't healthy anymore. All of your money was spent on cigarettes, and you were running out of funds. You all stood there for an hour or so until Ponyboy stood up and wiped his tears. "Are we ready to go home?" Darry asked. "You guys can, I think I want to stay a while longer." "We can wait with you Brielle," Two-Bit said. "No, I want to be alone. But thank you." The boys nodded and then headed back to the car. You watched them pull away and then you returned your gaze to the headstone. "Hey Dal," you said quietly. You sat down next to him and pulled his jacket closer around you. "We all miss you. Me most of all. Life's not the same without you. I don't have the guts to slash Tim's tires, or to rob stores anymore." Then you started crying. Sobbing was more like it. "Why Dallas? Why did you leave me here? If you were going to leave, why didn't you at least take me with you," you sobbed, your forehead resting on the cold slab of granite. You finally collected yourself and then looked up at the setting sun. You tried so hard to really believe the things that Johnny had talked about in his letter to Ponyboy. How there was still good in the world. But you just couldn't. Without Dallas Tucker Winston, there was nothing decent left in this world. That's when you decided. You were ready to join Dally.


Your feet were throbbing. The boots you had put on were not fit for running, but you had to run back to your apartment before you changed your mind. As soon as you burst through the door, you began rummaging through your top drawer. That's when you saw it. The dark shiny metal of the heater Dally had given you to protect yourself. Only this time you weren't using it to protect anyone. But before you did anything, you ran to the nearest pay phone. You put in the money and dialed the Curtis's number. Darry answered. "Darry, can you make sure everyone gets this message?" "Sure thing Brie. What's wrong?" You were already tearing up. "Tell everyone that I love them and that they are the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'll miss you guys." Then you hung up and began running down the street. In no time, you were standing at the park where Dallas's life ended. Where his heart stopped beating, where his eyes closed for a final time. You stood there, breathing heavily, your heart beating far too fast. You took one last breath, inhaling the beautiful scents of nature. You felt the wind blow through your hair like a gentle comb. You saw the bright lights of the town center. The passing of cars, oblivious to what you were about to do. It was a nice world, but it wasn't a world you wanted to be in anymore. A world without Dallas Winston was not a world you wanted to live in. You mad your way to the nearest tree and you leaned against it. One last time, you surveyed the land around you, listened to the sounds of cars passing by, smelled the fresh air and pine trees. Your hand ran up and down the bark of the tree. Just then, you heard a shout. Then again. You couldn't distinguish what you were hearing though. But you knew it was noise. Your eyes squinted to see where it was coming from. It was getting louder by the second. Finally, your eyes made out a figure running towards you. "BRIELLE!" the voice yelled. "BRIELLE PUT THE GUN DOWN!" it yelled again. Then you saw your best friend running towards you. Before your lips could form his name, Two-Bit tackled you in a bone-crushing hug. "Brielle, what the hell were you thinking?" Two-Bit yelled as you buried youe head in his chest. "I can't live without Dally," you whimpered, tears stabbing at your eyes. "Yes you can, you have to!" he exclaimed. "How?" you sobbed. "Hey Brie, look at me." You lifted your head and your eyes were met by Two-Bit's. "You have me. You have Soda. You have Darry. You have Steve. You have Ponyboy. We're not going anywhere, especially not me." He smiled and then kissed your forehead. Two-Bit carried you all the way back to the Curtis's, wehre you began your long road to recovery, with your best friends by your side.///

Sorry, I didn't know how to end this! I've been working on this for ages, so happy I finished!

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